The I2 - Invoice Lines by Customer folder displays the open Invoices for the Product selected in the Header section and the Customer selected on this folder.

Note: This folder displays Product sales statistics from Invoice History. Products that have been recoded by Execute Product Recode/Merge (RM82) are NOT recoded in Invoice History. This is because in the event of having to reprint a customer's invoice, the reprinted invoice must reflect the product codes as they were on the original invoice. If you wish to view statistics for a product that has been recoded (and therefore no longer exists in the Inventory Master file), the Options menu includes an option to 'View Recoded Products'. When this option is selected, a product code that only resides in the Invoice History file can be entered.

  1. To select a Customer, enter or select from the Query the Customer code in the Customer field above the list box. Note: The customer field is automatically populated with the first customer (alphabetically) that has an invoice for the product entered in the header section.

  2. Once a valid Customer code is entered, the list box automatically displays all Invoices for the Customer/Product combination. To locate a specific Invoice number, or to list the lines in the list box from a specific Invoice number, enter the number in the Invoice field above the list box. The list will begin with the Invoice number entered. For more information on the icons associated with the Invoice field, click here.

  3. The following list defines each column in the list box:

    • Invoice - the Invoice Number.

    • Date - the date on the Invoice.

    • Shipped - the quantity shipped from the Invoice.

    • Unit Price - the Price from the Invoice.

    • Per - the Per value from the Invoice.

    • Discount - the Discount percentage from the Invoice.

    • Extension - the line extension.

    • Cost - the Average cost. Note: The cost displays when the operator currently logged into PFE is flagged to Display Cost in Maintain Operator Password/Privilege(CC03).

    • GM% - the Average Gross Margin Percent. Note: The GM% displays when the operator currently logged into PFE is flagged to Display Cost in CC03.

    • Price Type - when the Price Type is "Break #", the price is from a specified price break from a Master Price List. All other Price Lists will be listed by Type. When "Override" is used, the price was modified during the Order or Invoicing stage.

    • Order Type - the Type of Sales Order. Valid options are: Regular, FOB or Sample.

    • Price List - the Price List used on the Invoice.

  4. To see the details of each individual Invoice, highlight the Invoice in the list box and click on the Invoice button (above the list box) or double-click on the Invoice line and the Display Invoices from History (IN45) opens automatically.

I2 - Invoice Lines by Customer
Folder I2 - Invoice Lines by Customer