G/L Future Period Preparation (GL72)
The preparation of the 'Future Period' work files done in Prepare Work Files (GL72) program is the core of the Reporting Future Periods suite of programs. The Work File can be generated up to any period equal to but not exceeding period 12 of the Next Year defined in Maintain Fiscal Dates (CC90). The date of the previous Work File displays on the screen for your information.
Using GL72:
- If a Work File already exists, the creation date of the File displays in the Work Files created up to field. You have the option to Erase the Work File or to Continue adding data to the same file:
- Enter or select from the query the Closing date for period to print date. This is the 'up to date' of the data in the Work File. For example, if you want to prepare the Work File for period 3, then enter that Period End date in this field. The date entered must be a valid Period End date in Maintain Fiscal Dates (CC90).
- When all of the information on the screen is entered correctly, click Start preparation now to generate the Work File for the future period reports.
Prepare Work Files (GL72)