G/L Acct Trans Consolidated Query (GL45)
TIP: This program has access to the iTopia Quick Link feature. For more information, click here.
The GL45 Display Account Transactions program lists transaction details and Account balances by GL Account. GL45 displays the following information:
- The Account balances - opening balance, YTD balance and net transactions total.
- Details of the transactions posted to the Account for the date range entered.
- Transactions from all sources or only those for a specific Source Code, for example AR, AP, IN, etc.
The following list defines every field on GL45:
- In the Selection section:
- In the Balances section:
- Opening - the opening balance for the GL Account selected is always equal to the ending balance for the last closed period.
- YTD - displays the account balance as of the entered Ending Date. This value is calculated as the net of the Opening Balance and the Transactions total.
Caution: If any transactions have been skipped because they are outside of the Start/End date range, then this value will NOT represent the true YTD balance of the account. To calculate the true YTD balance as of a specified Ending Date, do not enter a Start Date.
- Transactions - displays the net value of transactions listed for the GL Account between the Starting and Ending dates entered.
- Transaction List Box - displays the details or transactions for the GL Accounts that fall between the Starting and Ending Dates specified for the Source Code entered. The following information displays in the list box for each transaction:
- Date
- SC (Source Code)
- Trans # (Transaction Number)
- Detail
- Folio
- Debit/Credit
The following table outlines the functionality of each button in GL45:
Button Label |
Icon |
Functionality |
Display Details |
Click Display Details to view the transaction details for the GL Account entered.
Print |
Click Print to send the transaction listing to your default printer.
Display Account Transactions (GL45)