Build Inbound Whse Ship Advice (EI70)

The Build Inbound Warehouse Shipment Advice (EI70) program imports Inventory Advices from off site Warehouses. This program creates a Warehouse Shipment Advice file (945).

  • The Print Shipping Documents (OE34) program generates the Shipping Documents and the Outbound Warehouse Shipment Advice (940).

  • The Inbound Warehouse Advice (945) provides the details, by shipping document, of the inventory shipped by the Warehouse.

Follow these steps to run EI70:

  1. Select the off site Warehouse code from the Trading Partner screen. You can double click on the Warehouse code or you can highlight the code and press Enter in order to make your selection.

  2. On the EI70 screen, the Warehouse code and Warehouse name automatically display in the Warehouse section.

  3. Click on Start to begin the file creation process.

    • If there are no files to bring in, the following message displays: "Starting Enterprise import file creation. There is no Enterprise import file to process! OK/Copy". Select Copy to copy this message to the clip board. Select OK to cancel the request and close EI70.

  4. When the data is translated and the files are updated, EI70 automatically closes.

Build Inbound Warehouse Shipment Advice (EI70)