Trading Partner Modules (EI03)
DRAFT - Under Construction
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Programs
EI03 Trading Partner Modules
This program is used to assign which Module, which Applications, which Transactions and which Audits are required for each Trading Partner. EDI Support typically sets up this program to link them to the predefined mappings.
Purpose: To maintain a table of modules that are used for processing EDI documents with a trading partner. A module represent an EDI process such as inbound purchase orders or outbound invoices for example. The module may represent several menu selections require to complete that process.
Frequency: Upon installation of the system or as new modules are required.
Trading Partner
The trading partner code. Enter, or select from the query, the Trading Partner code as defined in EI01.
The module code.Enter, or select from the query, the Modules predefined in CC87. A module represents an EDI process such as inbound purchase orders or outbound invoices. The module may represent several menu selections required to complete that process.
Application File ID
Enter the application file ID or ? to display the list of possible application file IDs. The application file ID must exist in Pro_EDI before processing can occur. Enter, or select from the query, the application file ID as defined in CC87.
Module Trading Partner
Enter the code that was created for the Trading Partner in ProEDI. It will usually match the Trading Partner code. There is no table to select since it is typically specified by PointForce Inc. EDI support.
Production or Test Option
ProEDI when creating outbound EDI documents uses this flag.
Production: The module is in "live" production for the trading partner when this is selected.
Test: The module is in "test" for the trading partner when this is selected. Any transactions can be ignored.
The files or "Bundles" of transactions are flagged with an P or T to correspond to the setting in order to keep them separate from each other.
Transaction Type
Enter, or select from the query, the Transaction type defined in CC87.
Audit Program
Enter, or select from the query, the Audit Program defined in CC87.