Web Advertising

Advertisement Space Definition (EC14)
Advertisements (EC15)
Advertising Packages (EC16)
Generate/View Advertising Pool (EC50)

Additional Information
Ad Statistics

The Web Advertising programs provide a suite of tools to enable PointForce e-Commerce to display and track Advertisements on the web, and to provide "Promotional Consideration" for products in Category and Search navigation pages.

  • The F14 Templates, created and maintained in HTML Page Templates (EC05), are configured to accept the advertising ads on selected pages. Although the advertising programs reviewed here are available for all e-Commerce templates, if the template is not F14, customization is required to alter the existing template (F10, F12 or other customized templates) to display advertisements.

  • For more information on the F14 Templates that have advertising space already defined, click here.

There are 4 programs you must work with in order to produce and publish ads on e-Commerce web pages:

  1. Define Advertisement Space (EC14) - this program defines the name of the ad space and the "area" (width and height) that will be reserved to show a particular type of ad on the template page.

  2. Maintain Advertisements (EC15) – this program creates an "Ad Reference" which contains the properties of the ad to be displayed, such as the ad graphic image itself (.jpg image), the HTML Alt-tags and even URL definitions that will direct the user to an e-Commerce product detail page, or other web address when the cursor clicks on the ad image.

  3. Maintain Advertising Packages (EC16) – this program defines the ad package sold to each vendor and defines the "frequency" in which their ad will cycle or appear on your web pages, and the start and end dates the ads are to be displayed on the site.

  4. Generate-View Advertising Pool (EC50) – this program generates a list of all ads that are displayed in the appropriate space on the web for a given time. It is here that starting and ending dates for ad campaigns and frequencies are created so the Advertising images will appear correctly on the web site.

For more information on the Web Advertising programs, click on the links above.