HTML Code (EC02)

The HTML Code (EC02) program is used to link features of the e-Commerce website to the underlying PointForce Enterprise (PFE) programs that run the website. Because PointForce e-Commerce is linked and integrated with the PFE software, information on the website is dynamically rendered at the time the customer requests this information. For example, if the customer clicks a button requesting details of his/her open orders, PointForce e-Commerce will look up the details and then present a listing of all of this customer's open sales orders on the website.

In order to link the website (built and written in a computer language called HTML) with the PFE back office information (not written in HTML), programs have been designed to send requests to PFE and bring data back to the Internet page. The EC02 program is used to build these links between the website and the programming code required to send information to the website.

For example, when a user clicks the 'Accounts Receivable' button on the web page, a program is executed in the background to collect the appropriate A/R information and display it to the website in a format that the web browser will understand.

    WARNING: EC02 was designed for use by Tecsys staff only. This program contains records and links that are vital to the operation of the website. Modifications to any records in EC02 may potentially cause the website to stop operating properly. We strongly recommend that you only update/edit this program with the assistance of a Tecsys Business Consultant.

The following table outlines the functionality of each button on HTML Code window:

Button Label Icon Functionality
Update Update Saves the current Product HTML Class.
Delete Delete Deletes the current Product HTML Class.
New New Clears the field allowing you to add a new Product HTML Class.
Edit Program Edit Program Allows Tecsys programmers to go into a program editor to view/edit the source code of the object.

HTML Code (EC02)