Carrier Account Numbers (SU01)
The Carrier Account Numbers (ibis_su01) program allows you to define the carrier accounts used by TMS in the shipping module of Packing Station.
- The Carrier Account Numbers table is only available when the 'Utilize TMS' check box is selected in Company Control Initialization (CC00/Packing Station/TMS Parameters).
- When you open the Carrier Account Numbers program, PointForce tries to connect to your TMS server. As the connection is made, the following message displays: "Attempting to establish a connection to the TMS system. Please wait." Once a connection is established the message clears and you can enter information in the Carrier Account Numbers table.
- If the TMS Server is unavailable, the following message displays when you open the Carrier Account Numbers window: "Unable to retrieve services from TMS. OK". You cannot successfully enter information in this table until a connection to TMS is established. This message is a possible indicator that one or more fields in CC00/Packing Station/TMS Parameters may be set up incorrectly. We recommend that you check the information entered on the TMS Parameters window in CC00; for more information, please see the CC00/Packing Station/TMS Parameters help topic.
Relationship between TMS, PS41 and Carrier Account Numbers (SU01):
When a shipment is closed in P/S Shipping Entry (ibis_ps41), and the customer has one or more of the following fields selected in CC00/Packing Station/TMS Parameters: 'Shop for Service', 'Shop for Specials' or 'Allocate Charges', the Freight Rate window in the TMS interface is invoked.
- When the shipper completes the rate/service shopping and/or allocating charges, the shipper clicks on the Save Shipment button.
- At this point, PointForce checks the Carrier Account Numbers table to pick up the carrier account for the service selected (UPS, FedEx, etc).
- If there is a corresponding service provider and account number in SU01, then the TMS interface passes this information on to the service provider for billing purposes.
- If SU01 does not contain the account number for the service provider, the system continues without the specific details.
Creating or Modifying Carrier Account Numbers:
- Enter or select from the query a customer code in the Customer field. The customer code entered denotes the customer to which the Carrier Account Number will be applied. Customer codes are maintained in Customers (ibis_sucu.su13).
Note: You cannot assign prospect customers to carrier account numbers.
- Select from the drop list a TMS Service Code. The services populated in the drop list vary depending on the ship via entered for the customer in the Customers view.
- Enter the carrier's account number in the Carrier Account Number field. This is the account number used by the customer for the service selected. The carrier account number can be a maximum of 30 alpha numeric characters in length.
- Click Submit
to add the carrier account number to the customer for the service selected.
Deleting a Carrier Account Number:
- Enter or select from the query the appropriate customer and TMS service code. The appropriate carrier account number should display.
- Click Delete
to remove the carrier account number from the system.