Lead Master - Quick Entry (CRMLEAD.QUICK)
Lead Master - Quick Entry
The Lead Master (SU13)-Quick Entry is a view created by Tecsys. The Search/Grid page includes the fields required to:
- Create a new Lead using Edit with Excel
- Export Lead information to Outlook Contacts
On the Details page, you can enter general information for the current Lead. If you want to enter additional information for the Lead, but the field(s) are not available, you must use the Lead Master-Complete Entry/Details page as this page offers every field available on the Customer Master view.
Note: The ability to create and update information in the Lead Master is controlled by the permissions (create, read, update and delete) assigned to the resource within the role. This help topic assumes that you have the appropriate permissions to create and update records in the Lead Master. For more information, see Role Master-Permissions. |
The Lead Master-Quick Entry view is designed to enable you to quickly add Leads to the Lead Master table via the Edit with Excel option found under the 'Use Record as Selection for Criteria' or 'Use Selected Records as Selection for Criteria' options. (You can also add Leads using the Create option on the Search/Grid page and on the Details page.)
- To prepare an Excel worksheet to add new Leads with the intention to re-import them back into iTopia at a later date, follow these steps:
- From the Search Results, select the 'Use Record as Criteria for Action'
icon from any record.
- Select Edit with Excel.
- Save the Excel worksheet as another name. This is the worksheet that you will be using to add new Leads. Note: When the worksheet is saved as another name, the macros that control the ‘Save’ button are disabled.
- Once the worksheet is saved, remove the record from the worksheet that was used to open the Excel with the Edit option. From here you can enter the required information to setup a new record on the worksheet.
Note 1: Only the Company, Lead Name, Lead Status and Convert fields are the only mandatory columns when creating a new Lead via the Edit with Excel
- For new Leads, the Lead Status should always be set to 'A' for Active and the Convert flag should always be set to 'N' for No.
All of the other fields available from the grid pertain to the Lead, but are optional fields.
Note 2: The Address 1, City, Province/State, Country, Postal/Zip Code, Phone Number, Fax, Web Address and Department Code fields are only used if you intend to use this view to export the record to Outlook – Contacts.
Note 3: The column on the worksheet labelled ‘IBIS Client’ must be entered exactly as it was displayed with the record was exported.
- Once you have completed entering all of the information on the spreadsheet, follow these steps to re-import the data back into iTopia:
- Open the Lead Master (SU13)-Quick Entry view and from the Search Criteria/Grid page select the 'Use Record as Criteria for Action'
icon from any record.
- Select Edit with Excel.
- When the spreadsheet is opened, remove the data for the selected record.
- Open the spreadsheet that contains the Leads that you previously created.
- Copy all of the data to the spreadsheet that was opened using Export to Excel.
- Click the Save button on the worksheet.
- If there are any errors on the worksheet, make the necessary corrections and click Save again.
- Once all of the records have been updated, close the worksheet but do not save the changes.
- A message displays at the top of the Lead Master (SU13)-Quick Entry view to notify you that the records have been added through an external source (in this case, Excel). To view the records, click the Search button.
- All defaulted information is automatically applied to the new records. To update these new records with information that is available on the Details page.
The following fields are available on the Lead Master-Quick Entry and are based on the order in which they appear in the grid on the search page:
- Company - every record in the PointForce iTopia SQL database includes the Company Number. When reviewing the results from your search, the Company Number will display for all Lead records. Note: You cannot modify the Company Number field in the grid.
- Lead Key - the Lead Key is automatically assigned to the Lead once a Lead Name is entered and the record is saved using either the Save or Submit button or when new records are imported into this view using the Edit with Excel option. You cannot edit this field.
- Lead Name - the Lead Name can be a maximum of 30 alpha numeric characters in length.
- Phone Number - the Phone Number appears exactly as entered in the Lead Master-Quick Entry. Be sure to include the Area Code and dashes.
- Lead Status - this field represents the status associated with the Lead. Enter or select from the lookup a Lead Status. Valid options include:
- A - Current and Active
- I - Inactive
- D - Ready to Delete
- flags the Lead for deletion. Leads can be manually flagged for deletion by selecting the 'D' status. Leads are automatically set for deletion by converting the Lead to a Prospect. You cannot change the Lead Status for a record that has been converted.
Any record in the Lead Master table can be deleted (flagged for deletion or not) but we recommend setting the record to a 'Delete' or 'Inactive' status if you plan on executing bulk deletions. Bulk deletes can be processed both in the Complete and Quick Entry views. The Status field displays in both the Search Criteria and Search Results sections of the view. The process for bulk deletions is outlined below:
- In the Search Criteria:
- Enter or select from the Lead Status drop down list 'D' and/or 'I' to search for records that are ready for deletion or are inactive. Note: If you are manually entering multiple parameters in the search field, you must enter a comma between each entry. For example, D,I. When selecting the status from the drop down list, the comma is automatically inserted when multiple selections are entered.
- If you want to remove records for a specific date or date range, enter or select the date from the calendar icon. Note: when manually entering a date range, the first date is separated from the second date with a '\'. For example: 2009-04-23\2009-05-23. The '\' is automatically inserted when dates are selected from the calendar icon. For more information on Search Operators, see the iTopia Search Tips topic.
- Once the Search Criteria has been entered, click Search.
- Select the 'Select or Deselect All Rows' check box.
- Using the Use Selected Records as Criteria for Action icon
, select the 'Delete' option.
Note: You can also delete a single record by selecting the Delete option from the 'Use Record as Criteria for Action' icon or you can delete multiple records by selecting some or all of the records retrieved from the Search and then selecting the Delete option from the 'Use Selected Records as Criteria for Action' icon.
Note: If you attempt to delete a Lead that has NOT been Converted and is related to an Activity record(s), the following error displays below the offending record(s): "The information is used in table: Lead Activity". You cannot remove the record until the Activity(s) have been deleted. All other information in any of the other related tables remains intact as well.
- Once the all of the related Activities are deleted, the Lead can be deleted. This simultaneously deletes any related records in the Lead Notes, Lead Area of Interest, Lead Campaign and Lead Trade Show.
- Convert - this field indicates whether or not the Lead has been Converted to a Prospect.
Special Conversion Note:
Once you convert a Lead to a Prospect, you cannot update ANY of the fields for the 'Lead' in the Lead Master. If you make changes to a Lead that has been converted to a Prospect and then try to update the record, the following message displays: "This Lead has been converted to a Prospect. Cannot update." The record is not updated.
- Projected Close Date - displays the date on which the Lead is anticipated to close. You can edit this information as required.
- Account Manager - displays the Account Manager assigned to the Lead. The Account Manager information is maintained in the CRM Account Manager table, in the CRM module.
- CRM Teams - displays the CRM Team for the current Lead. CRM Teams can be based on regional divisions or territories as an example. The CRM Teams information is maintained in the CRM Teams table, in the CRM module.
- Potential Sales $ - displays the potential dollar value associated with the Lead. You can enter a maximum of 999,999,999.00.
- Probability % - Account - displays the percentage likelihood that this Lead will become a Customer with an active account. Valid values include:
- 0%
- 10%
- 25%
- 50%
- 75%
- 90%
- 100%
- Sales Stage - displays the Stage in the sales cycle the Lead is in. Sales Stage codes are maintained in the CRM Sales Stage table, in the CRM module.
- Sales Status - displays the Status in the sales cycle that the Lead is in. For example, the Sales Status for a Lead may be 'In Process', or a 'New Sales Deal', or a 'Closed Deal'. Sales Status codes are maintained in the CRM Sales Status table, in the CRM module.
- Number of Employees - displays the number of people employed by the Lead. You can enter up to a maximum of 99,999 in this field.
- Initial Trade Show - displays the initial trade show that brought the Lead to your company. The Trade Show codes are maintained in the CRM Trade Show table, in the CRM module.
- Initial Campaign - displays the initial campaign that brought the Lead to your company. The Campaign codes are maintained in the CRM Campaign table, in the CRM module.
- Web Address - displays the Internet Address web page from an external web server for this customer. The Web Address displays as a link in this field. Clicking on the link opens the associated URL. Modifications to this field must take place on the Details page.
- Date/Time Created - the system tracks the date and time the Lead Master record was created. This field is for information purposes only and cannot be modified.
- Address 1 - displays the street and number to a maximum of 30 characters.
- City - displays the City or town to a maximum of 30 characters.
- Province/State - displays the Province or State assigned to the current Lead.
- Postal/Zip Code
- displays the Postal Code or Zip Code. For Canadian addresses, the Postal Code field automatically converts to Upper Case. The Postal Code displays exactly as entered, therefore be sure to enter the Postal Code with a space between the first group of 3 alpha numeric characters and the second group of 3 alpha numeric characters, for example H0H 0H0.
- Address Map - when you click on this link, an Internet Explorer window (or new folder) automatically launches a link to the "Google Maps" website for the current address.
- Country - displays the Country assigned to the current Lead.
- Department - are all fields that are used to update the coinciding fields in Outlook (Export to Outlook Contacts).
- Credit Limit - displays the maximum Credit Limit for the Lead. The maximum allowable Credit Limit is 9,999,999.
For information on the functionality of each button on the Lead Master - Quick Entry Search Criteria Results/Grid page, click here.