Lead Contact Master (CRMCMCM)
The Lead Contact Master allows you to maintain contact information for your leads. When you first access the Lead Contact Master, you open the "Lead Contact Master-Search Criteria/Results" page.
- The Search Criteria/Results page includes only a sub-set of all of the fields available on the Lead Contact Master. The remaining fields are found on the Lead Contact Master-Details page. The Search/Grid page also includes all of the fields required for Export to Outlook.
Note: The ability to create and update information in the Leads Contact Master table is controlled by the permissions (create, read, update and delete) assigned to the resource within the role. This help topic assumes that you have the appropriate permissions to create and update records in the Lead Contact Master. For more information, see Role Master-Permissions. |
You can edit the Lead Contact Master information on both the Search Criteria/Results page, in the grid section, and on the Details page. Simply double click on the field in the grid, or edit directly in the field on the Details page.
- Drop lists are active on both the Search Criteria/Results and Details page.
You can access information for an existing lead contact or you can create a new lead contact. The following fields are available on the Lead Contact Master and are based on the order in which they appear in the results section on the search page:
- Company - every record in the PointForce iTopia SQL database includes the company number. When reviewing the results from your search, the company number will display for all lead contact records. Note: You cannot modify the company field once the record is created.
- Contact Name - the contact name can be a maximum of 105 alpha numeric characters in length.
- Contact First Name - the first name of the contact to a maximum of 30 characters.
- Contact Last Name - the last name of the contact to a maximum of 30 characters.
- Company Name - the company name associated with the lead contact.
- Address 1 - the street and number for the contact address. You can enter a maximum of 30 characters.
- Address City - the city or town for the contact address. You can enter a maximum of 30 characters.
- State/Province - enter or select from the lookup the Province or State for the contact address. The Province/State lookup is defined in Maintain Province Codes (CC14).
- Address Zip/Postal Code
- the Postal Code or Zip Code for the contact address. For Canadian addresses, the postal code field automatically converts to Upper Case. The postal code displays exactly as entered, therefore be sure to enter the postal code with a space between the first group of 3 alpha numeric characters and the second group of 3 alpha numeric characters, for example H0H 0H0.
- Country - the country for the contact address. You can enter a maximum of 30 characters. This field is not validated.
- Job Title - the job title associated with the contact.
- Telephone Number - the telephone number for the contact. The telephone number appears exactly as entered in this view. Be sure to include the area code and dashes.
- Fax Number - the fax number for the contact. The fax number appears exactly as entered in this view. Be sure to include the area code and dashes.
- Email Address - the email address for the contact. The email address becomes a link that opens directly in your default email application.
- Web Address - enter the Internet Address web page from an external web server for the contact. Once the address is entered it becomes a hyperlink that launches the web site when clicked.
- If you are editing the information in this field, you can click on the
icon to launch the web address.
- Department - the department in which the contact works.
For information on the functionality of each button on the Lead Contact Master Search Criteria Results/Grid page, click here.