Creating a new Account Activity record
In the Account Activity view, you can create a new activity from the Search Criteria/Grid page or from the Details page. If your user id has the correct permissions to create a new Account Activity, a Create button displays on both of these views in iTopia.
- Note: The ability to create new records is controlled by the permissions assigned to the resource within the role. Specifically, the Account Activity resource assigned to your role must include the 'Create' operation.
Creating a new Account Activity record:
- From either the Search Criteria/Grid page or the Details page, click on Create.
- The Account Activity/Create window opens. Here is an example of the fields displayed on the Create page:
- Enter or select from the lookup a Company Number in the Company field. Enter the number of the current company in which you are working. This is a mandatory field.
- Enter or select from the lookup a Customer Code for which the new Account Activity will apply.
- When all of the information is entered, click Continue to continue creating the new activity.
Note:You can have multiple activities for a single customer/prospect.
- The Account Activity-Detail page opens for the new activity. All of the fields on this page are either blank or contain a set default. You must enter all of the mandatory fields before you can save this new activity record. The following fields are mandatory:
- Description
- Type - enter or select from the lookup a valid Type. The type information is maintained in the CRM Activity Type view. For more information about maintaining the Types click here.
- Stage - enter or select from the lookup a valid Stage. the stage information is maintained in the CRM Activity Stage view. For more information about maintaining the Stages click here.
- Activity Owner - automatically defaults to the logged in users name but can be modified. Note: The user can only access the Activity Owner query if a read_only license for the metadata is assigned to the user. If the query is accessed without the metadata license the message 'You are not licensed to execute this resource' displays. For more information about user licenses click here.
Note: If you omit entering any of the mandatory fields, the message: "An entry is required" displays beneath each offending field once you click Continue or Save.
For details on the information required in every field, please see the field descriptions outlined in the Account Activity-Details Page
Warning: If you Personalize the Account Activities-Details page, you must include all of the required fields. If you do not include all of the required fields, you will not be able to save records in the Personalized view.
- When all of the information is entered, you can click Continue or Save:
- When you click Save, all of your changes are saved and you remain on the Account Activity-Details page. Once you click Save, the activity is successfully created and the Submit, More Actions, Delete, Create and Copy buttons display on the Details page. If you click Submit, the changes are saved and you are returned to the Create page where you can enter a new Account activity. For details on the remaining action buttons, please see the Button Functionality on the Details Page topic.
- TIP: If you decide that you do not want to create the current record, you can abort the process by clicking Close or Return to Search Page
. The following message displays: "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page? Any changes will be discarded. Click OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page. OK/Cancel". Only changes made prior to the record being updated using the Continue, Save or Submit action buttons will be discarded.
- When you click Continue, the Activity Note create page opens.
- The Activity Note page allows you to add a CRM Note Category and Note Text to the current Account Activity.
Note: It is not necessary to enter Activity Notes for the Account Activity Record. If you do not need to enter Activity Notes for the current record, simply click the Save and then click Submit to return to the Account Activity/Create page to create a new Account Activity record or click the Return to Search Page icon to return to the Account Activity Search Criteria/Results page.
- When the Activity Note page opens, the CRM Note category and Note Text fields are blank.
- For more information on the Activity Note page, click here.
- You can enter multiple Activity Notes for the current activity.
- When you have added all of the required CRM Note Category and Note Text, you can click on Submit or Continue:
- When you click Submit all of your changes are saved and you are returned to the Create page where you can enter another company/customer combination and create a new Activity record.
- When you click Continue, the Account Activity page opens for the current record.
- You have now set up your new Account Activity record. From the Details page, you can review the Account Activity set up and the Activity Notes by clicking on Continue or by selecting the link from the Related section at the bottom of the Details page.