Notes for Deleting Vendors (AP13)
Vendors (AP13)
- If the same vendor code exists as a supplier in PO11, you need to remove it from PO11 first.
- If there has been NO activity for this vendor, clicking Delete in AP13 will delete the vendor record.
- If there has been activity, then clicking Delete in AP13 will only flag the record for deletion.
- AP89/Month End Closing checks for vendors flagged for deletion and removes them if they are qualified:
- The purchasing history file (APPU), reported by AP61, is checked; all this year/last year buckets in this file must be zero.
- No records must exist in the open invoices file (APIV) or invoice history file (APIH), as displayed in AP45/Open Invoices and Invoice History folders. AP history can be purged using AP88.
Suppliers (PO11)
- If there are any purchasing information records for this supplier in PO13, deletion of the supplier will be disqualified.
Purchasing Information (PO13)
- Purchasing information records are flagged for deletion in PO13 and, if qualified, are removed by PO16.
- PO16 checks a variety of files; if a record is disqualified, then the reason is reported by PO16.