Queue Messages

The Queue Messages (meta_md_mq_generic) view displays information about the queue message on the search results grid and details about the queue message on the details page. Messages are placed in this view after the Service Monitor transfers the transactions from the Recode/Merge and Delete programs in PointForce Enterprise.

Messages for transactions that complete successfully are automatically removed from the message queue and the affected records are updated accordingly. If, however, there is a problem with the transaction, the message remains in the queue and is flagged as 'Yes' in the Is Error field.

Once the error is resolved, the transaction can be reprocessed by selecting 'No' in the Is Error field and resubmitting the transaction. The affected record is automatically updated. Note: There is no need to run the Enterprise programs again.

Important: If you cannot resolve the error, contact SMB Support at smbsupport@tecsys.com for assistance. Queue messages should never be deleted regardless of the error condition.

The following list defines every field available in the queue messages (md_mq_generic) table in alphabetical order:

  • Being Consumed - this field is not maintainable; it is an extension column that indicates whether or not a message is being consumed. A check mark will appear in the field if the message is being consumed; otherwise, the field is left blank.

  • Consume Before ID - this field is not maintainable. The queue message consumed before the identifier is displayed in this field. The consume before ID is used to set up a specific order in which queue messages are consumed.

  • Created By - displays the name of the user who created the record you are viewing or maintaining. May not be overridden.

  • Created On - displays the date on which the record that you are creating or maintaining was created. May not be overridden. May also represent the creation date of the records you are attempting to retrieve.

  • Instance Name - the name of the instance associated with the queue message record. The default value set to {session.instance}.

  • Is Error - a flag that indicates whether or not there are error messages in the Message Error field. Valid options are:

    • Yes - indicates that an error is logged against the current queue message.

    • No - indicates that the queue message is not in error. (These messages are automatically removed from the message queue once the transaction is processed.)

  • Job Execution ID - this field is maintainable in creation mode only, when it appears in the key subview. The job execution ID is the record identifier.

  • Message Body - the queue message body content. For example, the text in this field may contain information about the action that was taken (delete or recode/merge), your ibis client code, the company code and customer code(s) that are affected by the transaction.

    • The format of the data is XML. The structure will vary from queue to queue.

    • If left blank, then the queue's default values will be used. This will vary from consumer to consumer. However, the majority of queue consumers will require some for of content to be defined here.

  • Message Error - the queue message errors. The format of the data is XML (complex type=MsgErrors).

    • If left blank, then there are no erros and the Is Error field must be set to No.

    • If the transaction is in error, the text "The transaction could not be processed. Review the message for errors" displays. Here is an example of an error:

Q-msg error eg

    • Following this example, you can see that "The transaction could not be processed."; "The Account Master record is in use by user xxxxxxx." You must ensure that the user identified in the message closes the record so that the transaction can be processed.

    • Note: When an error occurs for a staging record (i.e. a record processed via the applications Stage In service), the error message itself is stored in the record validation messages table. It is not recommended that you review staging errors and warning in the record validation messages table, as the information may be overwhelming. Instead, please refer to the Staging Table Summary resource.

  • Message Group - a user-defined group for queue messages belonging to the same queue. The default value is set to default.

  • Message Header - the queue message header content. The format of the data is XML (complex type=MsgQueueHeader).

    • If left blank, then there will be no additional routing upon successful consumption by the defined queue consumer.

  • Message Reference - a user-defined reference that indicates additional information concerning the queue message.

  • Modification Counter - this field is not maintainable. The date and time the record was last modified.

  • Modified By - this field is not maintainable. The user or system process that last modified the record.

  • Modified On - this field is not maintainable. The date on which the record was last modified.

  • Queue Message ID - the unique serial identifier for queue messages.

  • Queue Name - the foreign key to the queue entity.

  • Retry On - the time at which a failed queue message is retried.

    • The default value of this field is set by the queueing subsystem when a message errors out and the retry policy is set for an interval-based retry. It is based on the time at which the error occurred and the retry interval in seconds defined in the queue.

    • If the time is past the retry expiry in seconds defined in the queue, the value of this field is blanked out and a retry no longer occurs.

    • May be overridden as required.

  • Run as User - this field is not maintainable. The user name that will be used for the process that consumes the message, for example 'tecsys Tecsys Administrator'.

  • Staging Table Record - this field is not maintainable. A derived by extension column which will link back to the staging table record that created it. This is for queue messages that use the Stage In queue.