G/L Financial Report Print (GL52)

The Print Financial Reports (GL52) allows you to print all of the reports that are maintained in Maintain Report Parameters (GL05), and subsequently generated in Generate Reports (GL51). GL52 accesses the temporary file created by GL51 containing the generated reports and then prints the reports. Once the reports are printed, the temporary file is automatically deleted.

  1. The Printer Selection screen automatically opens. Select the device destination and click OK.

    • Note: If the temporary file is empty, indicating that you still must run GL51, then the following message displays: "Report File is Empty. OK". Click OK to accept the message and GL52 automatically closes. In this case, you must generate the report(s) in GL51 before you can print the report(s) in GL52.

  2. The Report(s) are automatically printed to the selected device.

  3. The Report Complete screen opens when the report is generated. Enter the Acceptance Codes to accept the report (if applicable), click Restart to restart the printing of the report, or click Abort to cancel the report.