Catalog Publishing Entry (EC10)

Categories (EC10)
Commodities (EC10)
Flyers (EC10)
Brands (EC10)

The Catalogue Publishing (EC10) program provides various methods for navigating to products on your website. Each folder maintains a different set of catalogue files to provide the product display navigation methods. The following folders/methods are currently available:

  • Categories - allows you to set up your website to include categories that contain both products and sub-categories:

    • You can create categories to represent product lines, product groups, or even your own custom grouping of products such as sale items.

    • You can then arrange the hierarchy of categories any way you like and assign actual products to the appropriate final sub-categories of the hierarchical category tree.

    • When you set up a category as a "Category Line", it will be treated as a top-level grouping and will be displayed on the main "products" page as the first level of categories in the category tree. You can then click on these categories to view lower level categories, right down to the actual product page.

  • Commodities - this navigation method is currently not recommended because commodities do not provide enough product classification variation for web use.

  • Flyers - allows you to set up your website so that the customer can navigate from a list of available Flyers to an individual flyer, and finally to a Product display page. Support for thumbnail images of flyers and full-size images of flyer pages is provided.

  • Brands - this navigation method is currently available for future use only. This folder is not intended for current use.

Click on the links above for more information on each of the folders in EC10.