Vendor Recode Merge Execution (RM75)

The Vendor Recode/Merge Execution (RM75) program recodes/merges Vendors previously entered in Vendors for Recode/Merge Entry (RM74) into a single Master File and a single set of Accounts Payable records. Once started, this program must run to completion.

Caution: This program should be run ALONE. Files throughout the system are affected.

Using RM75:

  1. The Start option allows you to start the Vendor recode/merge update. The update should run when no other processes are running. The recoding and merging of Vendor information affects the Accounts Payable and Purchasing modules in Enterprise.

    Note: Running RM75 while other functions in the same module(s) are running may cause unpredictable damage to data. This damage might not be recoverable.

  2. To close RM75 when the process is complete, press Escape or click on the 'X' in the top right corner of the window.

Vendor Recode/Merge Execution (RM75)