Order Bookings Purge (OE89)

Additional Information
Purge Programs

The Purge Bookings Info File (OE89) program permanently removes all Orders currently in the Booking Analysis files (OBBH and OBBD) which have a date prior to or including the Purge date.

  • Note: OE89 does not delete the demand units for the items displayed in Display Product Availability (IC45).

  • OE89 requires that you have maintain a minimum of 4 months of booking history. (The 4 month period is based on the current system date.)

Using OE89:

  1. Enter or select from the query a date in the Purge Date field. Orders with a date prior to or equal to the date entered are removed.

    Note: You must have 4 months of booking history on file at all times. If you enter a Purge Date that reduces the amount of history to less than 4 months from the current system date, the following message displays: "You cannot use a purge date that leaves you with less than 04 months of history! The earliest purge date you may use is mmddyyyy. OK". Click OK and enter a revised date.

  2. You can confirm your previous purge information:

    • Last Purge Date - displays the date of the last purge.

    • Purged up to - displays the date up to which the last purge went.

  3. Click Start to begin the purge process.

  4. Once OE89 completes the Booking Analysis files purge, the following message displays:
    "# Orders have been removed. OK". Click OK and OE89 closes.

purge booking
Purge Booking Info File (OE89)