Manual Shipping Doc Register (IN54)

The Manual Shipping Document Register (IN54) program prints a list of all existing manual Shipping Document numbers generated in Maintain Manual Shipping Documents (IN20). IN54 allows you to purge used or destroyed numbers from the file.

As new Shipping Documents are generated in IN20, they are assigned a status of 'Available'. As those numbers are assigned to Invoices, their status is changed to 'Invoiced' and the Order/Invoice numbers are logged against the manual shipping document number. Unused numbers can be flagged as 'Destroyed' in IN20.

IN54 lists all existing Shipping Document numbers and their status. Upon acceptance of IN54, you are given the option to have all 'Invoiced' and 'Destroyed' numbers are purged from the file.

You can use the list of 'Available' numbers to reconcile against unused order forms. Numbers reported as 'Available', but for which no form can be located, represent:

  1. Orders shipped but not yet Invoiced.
  2. Forms that were legitimately destroyed.

Follow these steps to print the Manual Shipping Document Register:

  1. The Printer Selection screen automatically opens. Select the Printer destination and click OK.

  2. The Warehouse Selection screen automatically opens. Select the Warehouse for which the Shipping Documents are being printed, and then Click OK.

  3. The report is automatically generated.

  4. The Report Complete screen opens once the report is generated. Click OK to accept the report, click Restart to restart the printing of the report, or Abort to cancel the report.

  5. Once the Report Complete screen closes, the following message displays: "Do you wish to purge used and destroyed MSD #'s. Yes/No".

    • Select Yes to purge used and destroyed manual Shipping Document numbers. The system automatically clears the file and IN54 closes.

    • Select No to keep all manual shipping documents in the file and close IN54.