Family Product

Additional Information
Product Publishing (EC13/Family)

The Family Product (FM) code is only used with the e-Commerce module. You may have a group of products that are sold individually, but do go together as a similar grouping or family of products. For example, you may have a matching 'Desk Accessory Set' consisting of an In-basket, a Paper Clip holder, Pen/Pencil holder, Business Card holder, and so on. The Family Product is the 'Desk Accessory Set' and each of the individual products is a member component of that family.

Note: Inventory items with a product type of FM are created to group products together for display on the PointForce (PFE) e-Commerce web site. FM products cannot be sold to customers, placed on sales orders, nor purchased from suppliers.

  1. Create a new Product and assign 'FM' as the product Type. Following our Desk Accessory Set example, the Product Code is DESKSET1 with FM type.

  2. Create the member products, each with a unique product code, and assign 'PP' as the product Type. Following our example, PAPERCLIP and BUSCARD are product codes with PP types.

  3. In Product Publishing (EC13/Family), you associate the Family Product with the member products.

Note: If you do not have e-Commerce installed, then the FM code should not be used.
