Costs for Set Header Calc (IM62)

Additional Information
Enter Order/Quotes (OE30/Lines)
Enter Inv/Direct Bills/Credits(IN41/Lines)
Enter Cash Counter Invoices (RS41/Lines)

The Calculate Costs for Set Header (IM62) program recalculates and sets the Average Cost of Assembled Set type products by adding the cost of the set’s components. Both the old and new average costs are reported. If customer orders are shipped from pre-packaged stock, then the cost in the set header record will be used (the sum of the component’s cost is only used if the order was shipped from components). If there have been significant changes to component costs, then it is recommended that you recalculate the set’s average cost via this program to preserve the integrity of your gross margins.

For more information on shipping Assembled Sets in:

When you open IM62, you have the following options:

  • Click Yes to proceed with the cost calculation.

    • The Printer Selection screen automatically opens. Select the device destination and click OK.

    • The report is printed to the selected device. No further action is required.

  • Click No to cancel the cost calculation and close IM62.

 Calculate Costs for Set Header (IM62)
Calculate Costs for Set Header (IM62)