Troubleshooting the Products (ibis_ici1.im13) program:

Here are a number of common issues:

  • When I create a new product, the Online Help states that I cannot begin the product code with certain special characters. Why can I still not add special characters in the product code and description fields?
    If you are using a warehouse management system, such as Elite WMS, you cannot use the following characters in the product code field:

    " { . , ? ( ) * & + < >

    In addition, you cannot use the following characters in description fields:

    ^ < >

  • I have FM (family) products in my inventory but they are not being sent to the Elite WMS warehouse management system like the rest of my products.
    At the current time, FM products are not sent from PFE to Elite WMS.

  • I keep getting an error message when I try to update the stock unit, type or class for a product. Can I get around this error and update the info I want to update?
    When you are using Elite WMS as your warehouse management system, you cannot change the stock unit, type or class for a product when the product has:

    • Inventory
    • Purchase Order(s)
    • Sales Order(s)

    When the inventory is zero, and there are no outstanding POs or sales orders for the product, then these fields are available for update in the Product view.

  • There are three fields in the Tecsys WMS Controls section that are unavailable: lot control, serial control and overpicking allowed. How can I access these fields?
    There are two potential reasons for these fields to be disabled:

    1. These fields are available for use with Elite WMS; you must have Elite WMS set up in CC00/Warehouse Management Interface.
    2. When you have Elite WMS, these fields are disabled once there is inventory for the current product. When the stock is depleted for the current product, then these fields are available.

  • When the current product contains inventory in an Elite WMS warehouse, and the 'Transfer SKUs GTIN from' flag in CC00/Warehouse Management Interface is set to 'Default SKU Record', the following restrictions exist:

    • You cannot remove the SKU Default flag from a GTIN record currently flagged as the SKU Default.
    • You cannot delete the GTIN flagged as the SKU Default.
    • You cannot add a GTIN to be flagged as the SKU Default.

  • What information from the product master (ibis_ici1.im13) is sent to Elite WMS?
    The following fields from the product master, Product Pack Info (ibis_im23) or Purchasing Information (ibis_po13) (depending on the setting of the 'Transfer SKUs GTIN from' flag in CC00/Warehouse Management Interface) for products and GTINs (via the file in parenthesis):

    • Product Code (pm_f)
    • Desc Main Lang (description 1 and 2) (pm_f)
    • Desc Sec Lang (description 1 and 2) (xpm_f)
    • Product Type (pm_f)
    • Stock Unit (pm_f)
    • Commodity (pm_f)
    • Class (pm_f)
    • WMS Lot Control flag (pm_f)
    • WMS Serial Control flag (pm_f)
    • GTIN flagged as 'SKU Default' from IM23 or GTIN flagged as 'Default Costing' from PO13 (pm_f)
    • All GTINs flagged as 'Transfer to WMS' from both IM23 and PO13 (al_f)

  • With Elite WMS in use as the warehouse management system, when are GTIN records sent to Elite WMS?
    This depends on the setting of the 'Transfer SKUs GTIN from' flag in CC00/Warehouse Management Interface. If this flag is set to 'Default SKU Record' then:

    • Every time a product pack info record is updated, the GTIN is automatically sent to Elite WMS ('al_f' table) regardless of other changes in IM23 or IM13.

    • The GTIN code is sent to Elite WMS from IM23 if the 'Transfer to WMS' flag is selected for the current GTIN record when the 'Add record to file' button is invoked.

    • The GTIN code is sent to Elite WMS from IM13 if the 'SKU Default' is selected on the IM13/Pack Info folder for the current GTIN record when the 'Add record to file' button is invoked.

  • In IM23, we keep a record of the GTIN's weight and measurements. Is this information sent to Elite WMS?
    No, this information is not sent to Elite WMS. All weights and measurements are controlled independently by Elite WMS.

  • We are using Elite WMS as our warehouse management system. Should we delete the GTIN record from PFE or Elite WMS?
    GTIN records can be deleted from PFE and/or Elite WMS, but the deletion is not communicated between the two systems. When you delete a GTIN record in PFE, the delete command is not sent to Elite WMS and if a GTIN record is deleted from Elite WMS, it is not removed in PFE.

    • Before deleting GTIN records from PFE or Elite WMS, it is essential to verbally communicate the action from one system to the other in order to keep the two systems syncronized.