Types of EC03 Objects (Data):

Type of Data in EC03 Purpose/Function
HTML Code         Text desired for display on the website can be 'marked up' using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) codes that will affect how it is rendered. The text for the website is included between HTML 'tags' that turn options on and off. Examples of these tags are: <a> <tr> <td> <b> </a> </table>.
HTML code is usually entered into an EC03 object when the template into which the object will be inserted has little or no formatting in the area where the object will be inserted. In this instance, it may be necessary for the object itself to contain the required formatting (HTML) codes.
Additionally, small bits of HTML code that will be required in many places on the website can be entered as Objects. An example of this use of an EC03 object is the CSS (Cascading Style Sheet). The e-Commerce package templates each require a style sheet in order to know how to display the page properly, but instead of entering the same information over and over again, it is only entered once (as an EC03 object) then ‘called’ many times throughout the templates.
Plain Text         Plain text can be entered directly into the EC03 object. Text that does not need to be 'marked up' can simply be typed into the object for display on the website.
Plain text objects are normally used when the page template that will be used to display the web page already has all of the formatting codes required to display the page properly. In this case, because additional format codes are not required in the object itself, no knowledge of HTML is required of the person entering the text and maintaining these portions of the web site.
Javascript (or other script-type language code) can also be entered as EC03 objects and then used on the Internet website. Javascript code normally contains small self-sufficient programs that perform certain tasks or functions on the website.
An example of a Javascript program is a clock that displays the current date and time.
Other Other types of objects that perform additional tasks may be added in the future.
