Sales Pipeline Accounts - Summary (SUCU.SU13_SALES_P_S)


The Sales Pipeline Accounts-Summary view allows you to view a summary of potential sales dollars based on the data entered in the CRM section of the Customer Master (SU13) view.

  • This view is sorted by 'close date fiscal year', and by 'close date fiscal period' and then by 'account manager'. A subtotal displays for each close date fiscal period and close date fiscal year.

  • The potential sales dollar grand total displays.

Tip: We suggest that you search for specific data since not all customers/prospects contain valid information for this view. To limit data to only those records that contain relevant information you can enter <> 0.00 in the Potential Sales $ search criteria field so that only records that contain a value greater than 0 will be displayed.

The following fields are available on the Sales Pipeline Accounts-Summary view and are based on the order in which they appear in the search results grid page:

  • Company Number - every record in the PointForce iTopia SQL database includes the Company Number. When reviewing the results from your search, the Company Number will display for all records.

  • Close Date Fiscal Year - displays the Fiscal Year as derived from the Projected Close Date entered in the Customer Master(SU13) view.

  • Close Date Fiscal Month - displays the Fiscal Month as derived from the Projected Close Date entered in the Customer Master(SU13) view.

  • Account Manager - displays the name of the Account Manager entered in the Customer Master(SU13) view.

  • Potential Sales $ - displays the summarized Potential Sales dollars for each Close Date Fiscal Year/Period for each Account Manager.

For information on the functionality of each button on the Sales Pipeline Accounts-Summary Search Criteria Results/Grid page, click here.
