Adding a New Company with Replication to iTopia

The following procedure details the steps required to set up a new company for an existing client on PointForce Enterprise (PFE) version 6.0 and greater that wish to have the company replicated to PointForce iTopia (PTiT):

  1. Contact TECSYS SMB Services to request the addition of a new company and to schedule assistance.

    • During the set-up process, all users must remain off the system for a short period of time so you will want to schedule a time of least disruption.

    • You can contact TECSYS SMB Services by email at

  2. Check your current hardware to ensure that there is enough disk space on the PFE and SQL servers. Additional information on disk space and other hardware concerns can be received through TECSYS SMB Support.

    • You can contact TECSYS SMB Support by email at

  3. Open Maintain Company (CC95) in your live company. Add the new company information but DO NOT SELECT the Generate Files button to initialize the files. You must submit a request to TECSYS SMB Services to complete the installation of your new company. (You can contact TECSYS SMB Services by email at at

    • Note: It is not necessary at this point in the process to generate the files because this must be done later in the process by TECSYS after transaction-logging has been activated. If the files are generated at this point, it is important that no data is entered into the files before replication has been activated for the company.

  4. At the scheduled time with TECSYS SMB Services, you will need to ensure all users are off the system.

  5. Once you have been notified by TECSYS SMB Services that transaction-logging has been activated in the new company, you can complete the following in the new company:

    1. Open Maintain Operator Password/Privilege (CC03) and give users access.

    2. Open Maintain Fiscal Dates (CC90) and enter the period end dates into the fiscal calendar.

    3. Open Maintain Sales Office/Warehouse Numbers (CC96) and create the warehouse code(s).

    4. Open Maintain Chart of Accounts (GL01) and create the required GL accounts.

    5. Open Company Control Initialization (CC00) and perform initialization for each module as required.

    6. Open Report Archive Configuration (CC23) and activate BIRA (optional).
