Packing & Shipment Criteria (PS09)

Box Types (PS09)
Desc/Contents (PS09)
Packer Identifications (PS09)
Picker Identifications (PS09)
Shipper Identifications (PS09)
Supervisor Identifications (PS09)
TMS Carrier Info (PS09)

The Maintain Packing Station Tables (PS09) set up all of the operators that can use Packing Station. All of the rules around which each operator works are also established here. The following panels are available in PS09:

  • Packer Identification - identify all Packers associated with Packing Station.
  • Picker Identification - identify all Pickers associated with Packing Station.
  • Supervisor Identification - identify the operators given Supervisor override capability.

For details on these modules, click on the links above.