P/O Suppliers (PO11_POS)

Additional Information
MyFax Overview
Non-Inventory product Overview

The P/O Suppliers (ibis_pos.po11) table manages the supplier records used by PointForce iTopia.

  • The supplier records must already exist in A/P Vendors (ibis_ap13) before you can add it to the P/O suppliers table. If the supplier does not exist as a vendor in A/P Vendors, the following message displays: "The vendor is not valid. A vendor must first be set up in A/P Vendors."

Note: If a product can be purchased from the same supplier but from various countries (i.e. supplier can ship from U.S. or Japan), a separate supplier record and purchasing information record should be set up in order to properly record the correct country code and currency code (which are used to calculate duty and exchange).

The following list defines every field available in the P/O suppliers (pos) table in alphabetical order:

  • $ Received LYR - displays the dollar amount received by the supplier last year. This is a system generated field that cannot be edited.

  • $ Received YTD - displays the year-to-date dollar amount received by the supplier. This is a system generated field that cannot be edited.

  • 800 Number - the supplier's toll free number. Enter all dashes as required.

  • Address 1 - the street and number associated with the supplier's address. You can enter a maximum of 40 alpha-numeric characters in this field.

  • Address 2 - additional address information such as unit number or rural route associated with the supplier. You can enter a maximum of 40 alpha-numeric characters in this field.

  • Attachments - displays the supplier document that was added using the Browse option in the Attachments section.

  • Buyer - the buyer code assigned to the current supplier. This field is validated against the P/O Buyer (ibis_po_buyer) table.

    • Purchasing Reports, such as PO21, PO24, PO42, PO43, and PO80, can be restricted to the buyer.

  • City - the City associated with the supplier that you are creating, maintaining, or attempting to retrieve. You can enter a maximum of 40 alpha-numeric characters in this field.

  • Company - the company field is available when you create a new PO supplier record. The company defaults to the company assigned to your user id in the Session Parameters view. You can change the default company during the creation process only. Once the record is created, the company to which the record is associated displays in the General section (at the top of the view).

  • Contact - the name of the contact for this supplier. You can enter a maximum of 30 characters in this field.

  • Country - the country code associated with the record that you are creating, maintaining, or attempting to retrieve. This field is validated against the Countries (ibis_cccou) table.

  • Country of Origin - the country code from which this supplier ships goods. This field is validated against the Countries (ibis_cccou) table.

    • The country of origin for the supplier is used as the default value in the country of origin field in P/O Purchasing Information (ibis_popi.po13) when the supplier product record includes this supplier.

  • Created By - displays the name of the user who created the record you are viewing or maintaining. May not be overridden.

  • Created On - displays the date on which the record that you are creating or maintaining was created. May not be overridden. May also represent the creation date of the records you are attempting to retrieve.

  • Currency - displays the currency code for the supplier. This code represents the currency in which the supplier's purchase prices are expressed. This field is validated against the Currency Entry (ibis_cc22) table.

    • The currency code entered here is used as the default currency code for this supplier in P/O Purchasing Information (ibis_popi.po13).

    • If the supplier's purchase prices are expressed in mixed currencies, the appropriate currency code is assigned to the supplier product record in PO13.

  • Current Year Sequence Number - displays the sequence order from P/O Entry (ibis_po40) for the POs issued to the supplier within the current year. This number is reset annually. Note: The creation of a PO increases the sequence number, but the deletion of a PO does no decrease the sequence number.

  • Cycle in Days - displays the number of days in the Review Reorder Quantity Cycle for this supplier. You can enter a maximum of 999 days in this field.

    • If 'Review Cycle ROQ' is selected, the cycle is based on number of days entered.

    • Suppliers can be reviewed more than once per cycle.

  • Days for Cancellation - displays the number of days that the supplier allows for cancellation of a PO. The value entered here is used to calculate the 'Cancellation Date' on POs created in P/O Entry (ibis_po40). The PO date plus the 'Days for Cancellation' determine the Cancellation Date.

  • Default Ship To - displays the default ship to for this supplier. This field is validated against the P/O Ship-to-Addresses (ibis_pohm.po01) table.

    • The value entered here is used as the default ship to for this supplier in P/O Entry (ibis_po40).

  • Exclusively Non-Inventory - determines whether the supplier carries non-inventory products only. The following options are available: Yes and No (default).

    • A value of Yes indicates that the supplier carries non-inventoried products only. Non-inventory products are items that are for office use only, including cleaning supplies, bathroom and office supplies, etc.

      • When you enter a supplier flagged as exclusively non-inventory in Products (ibis_ici1.im13), P/O Entry (ibis_po40) or P/O Receipt & In-Transit Entry (ibis_po60), then only products flagged as non-inventory (NI) from IM13 are available for selection. For additional information, please see the Non-Inventoried Product Overview help topic.

      • Note: If the exclusively non-inventory flag is set to Yes and there are products assigned to the supplier in P/O Purchasing Information (ibis_popi.po13), you can change this flag and assign both inventoried and non-inventoried products to the supplier. However, if this flag is set to No and there are inventoried products assigned to the supplier in PO13, then you cannot select the exclusively non-inventoried flag; you must delete the inventoried products from the supplier before you can make the supplier exclusively non-inventory.

    • A value of No indicates that the supplier purchases regular inventoried products.

  • Fax Number - displays the supplier's fax number. You can enter a maximum of 20 characters in this field, including dashes. When the PO send method is set to fax (in this view ibis_pos.po11), the PO is sent to the fax number entered in this field for the supplier. The PO is created in P/O Entry (ibis_po40) and can also be sent by Fax in P/O Print (ibis_po42). The Fax number can be entered in one of the following formats only:

    1. Same area code, regular phone number ###-####
    2. Different Area code without Long Distance, Area code + regular phone number ###-###-####
    3. Long Distance, 1 + area code + regular phone number 1-###-###-####

    Note: Special characters will be stripped away prior to submitting the fax number to the system.

  • Freight Payment Terms - displays the freight payment terms for the supplier. The freight payment Term entered is used as the default freight payment terms for the supplier in P/O Entry (ibis_po40). Select an option from the drop list. Valid options include:

    • Prepaid
    • Collect
    • Prepaid and Charge
    • Third Party

  • Freight Terms - displays the freight terms for this supplier. This field is validated against the P/O Freight Terms (ibis_poft.po09) table.

    • The freight term entered here is used as the default freight terms for the supplier in P/O Entry (ibis_po40).

  • Intranet Uses HTTP - determines whether the supplier's intranet uses HTTP. The following options are available: Yes (default) and No.

    • A value of Yes indicates that the system will automatically include the leading "http://" when the URL is launched in the public web address, web address and/or private web address fields.

    • A value of No indicates that the URL you entered in the public web address, web address and/or private web address fields is the full URL.

  • Language code - displays the language code used for the supplier. The language code determines the product description that prints on POs created for the supplier in P/O Print (ibis_po42). Valid options include:

    • E - English
    • F - French

  • Last Review Date - this field is automatically updated after P/O Preliminary Generation (ibis_po23) reviews the supplier. This field is for display only purposes and should not be edited.

  • Maximum Factor - displays the factor used by P/O Purchasing Forecast/Lead Time Recalculation (ibis_po25) to recalculate maximum quantity. The maximum factor is required to calculate the ROQ when the method for reordering is set to order up to maximum in P/O Criteria (ibis_po_pc.po09).

    • The P/O Criteria table also contains a maximum factor field. When the reorder quantity is calculated, using the O-method, the system looks at the maximum factor from P/O Criteria table first. If the value from the P/O Criteria table is zero, then the reorder quantity is calculated based on the maximum factor entered here for this supplier.

  • Measuring Units - displays the measuring units used by the supplier. Valid options include Metric or U.S. (Imperial).

    • The total weight and volume for a PO are accumulated and displayed in the measuring units assigned to the supplier.

    • The value entered in the measuring units field is used in the calculation of landing charges if the landing factor is set up in P/O Landing Factors (ibis_polf.po09) with a calculation method of cube or weight. If the measuring unit is metric, then the landing factor rate assigned in P/O Purchasing Information (ibis_popi.po13) is per cubic meter or kilo. If the measuring unit is US (imperial), then the landing factor rate is per cubic foot or pound.

    • Note: The measuring units set for the supplier affect the weight and volume displayed in P/O Proposed (ibis_po34) for each product. If, however, you change the measure units for this supplier, only new product lines added to PO34 will reflect the change (this includes products deleted and re-added to PO34).

  • Minimum Order in Dollars - displays the minimum order dollar value for purchase orders placed with this supplier. You can enter up to a maximum of 99,999.99. This information displays as the minimum order dollar value in P/O Proposed (ibis_po34).

  • Minimum Order Weight - displays the minimum weight for purchase orders placed with this supplier. You can enter up to a maximum of 99,999. This field is used for display purposes only. Enter the value in the unit of measure defined for the supplier.

  • Modification Counter - this field is not maintainable. The date and time the record was last modified.

  • Modified By - this field is not maintainable. The user or system process that last modified the record.

  • Modified On - this field is not maintainable. The date on which the record was last modified.

  • Nested Landing Factors - displays the landing factors embedded view for the current supplier. Allows you to add, modify or delete landing factors for the supplier. The P/O Supplier Landing Factors (ibis_posf) table is automatically updated.

  • Nested Supplier Notes - displays the supplier notes embedded view for the current supplier. Allows you to add, modify or delete notes for the supplier. The Supplier Notes (ibis_ponot1) table is automatically updated.

  • PO Send Method - displays the method by which POs are issued to the supplier. Valid options include:

    • Send to Printer
    • Fax (Castelle Faxpress)
    • E-mail
    • Internet Fax (XML)
    • Email Fax (SMTP)

    Note: The PO is triggered to be sent to the supplier in either P/O Entry (ibis_po40) or P/O Print (ibis_po42):

    • If Fax, Internet Fax (XML) or Email Fax (SMTP) is selected, the information in the fax number field is used to send the document(s) to their destination.
    • If E-mail is selected, the information in the e-mail address field is used to send the document(s) to their destination.
    • If Send to Printer is selected, the document(s) are sent to the selected printer within P/O Entry (ibis_po40) or P/O Print (ibis_po42).

  • Port of Shipment - displays the port of shipment for the supplier. This field is validated against the P/O Ports (ibis_popc.po09) table. The port entered is used as the default port for the supplier in P/O Purchasing Information (ibis_popi.po13).

  • Postal/Zip Code - the postal/zip code for the supplier. For Canadian addresses, the postal code field automatically converts to upper case. The postal code displays exactly as keyed, therefore be sure to enter the postal code with a space between the first group of 3 alpha numeric characters and the second group of 3 alpha numeric characters, for example H0H 0H0.

  • Private Web Site Address - displays the private web site for the current supplier (as required). For example, you enter www.tecsys.com in this field. Once the web site is entered and you tab out of this field, the Internet icon activates. Click this icon to open your Internet browser and launch the web page. This information displays in the list box in Product Consolidated Inquiries (ibis_ic45/C4) for products associated with the current supplier.

  • Private Web Site Password - displays the password provided by the supplier for access to the supplier's private web address. This information displays in the list box in Product Consolidated Inquiries (ibis_ic45/C4) for products associated with the current supplier.

  • Private Web Site Username - displays the user name provided by the supplier for access to the supplier's private web address'. This information displays in the list box in Product Consolidated Inquiries (ibis_ic45/C4) for products associated with the current supplier. This field is for information purposes only.

  • Production Lead Time Days - displays the default production lead time (in days) for this supplier. You can enter a maximum of 999 days in this field. Every supplier product record is assigned a production lead time days override in P/O Purchasing Information (ibis_popi.po13). If the field in PO13 is blank (or zero), then the P/O Purchasing Forecast/Lead Time Recalculation (ibis_po25) program uses the production lead time days value for the supplier.

    • The production lead time days field is used to calculate the requested ship date in P/O Entry (ibis_po40). The system calculates the requested ship date as the PO date plus the production lead time days.

    • When the Purchasing Forecast/Lead Time Recalculation (ibis_po25) program is used to recalculate the lead time for a supplier, the production lead time days override field is recalculated in P/O Purchasing Information (ibis_popi.po13); the production lead time days in P/O Supplier (ibis_pos.po11) is unaffected.

  • Public Web Address - displays the public web site for the current supplier. For example, you enter www.tecsys.com in this field. Once the web site is entered and you tab out of this field, the Internet icon activates. Click this icon to open your Internet browser and launch the web page entered.

  • Purchasing Contract E-Mail - displays the email address for the supplier. When the PO send method is set to E-mail (in this view ibis_pos.po11), the PO is sent to the email address entered in this field for the supplier. The PO is created in P/O Entry (ibis_po40) and can also be sent by email via P/O Print (ibis_po42).

    • Once an email address is entered, you can click on the email icon E-mail and a blank email to the address entered is automatically created.

  • R Factor - displays the cost to generate a purchase order for this supplier if you are using the Economic Order Quantity method of ROQ (see P/O Criteria (po_pc.po09) for more details on the set up of the ROQ).

    Note: The R Factor is set up at the company level in Company Control Initialization (ibis_cc00/Purchasing). If you set up an R Factor for a supplier, the supplier's R Factor overrides the company R Factor.

    • The purchasing system calculates product usage and reorder quantities based on information maintained in several programs. P/O Criteria (ibis_po_pc.po09) maintains the purchasing criteria used to determine when and how much product to reorder. There are four methods available to calculate reorder quantities. One method is the 'E' Economic Order Quantity method.

    • The E-method utilizes an equation that calculates the optimum order quantity for a product; once the value has been calculated, it becomes a static amount. The theory behind the E-method is that each product has an optimal order size (the Economic Order Quantity) which results in minimum total annual carrying and stock-out costs.

    • The equation used to calculate the Economic Order Quantity for products is:

      EOQ formula

      'R' = the cost to generate a purchase order,
      'K' = the annual cost of carrying 1 unit in stock,
      'Useage' = monthly usage calculated by P/O Forecast Calculations (ibis_po07)

  • Review Cycle ROQ - determines the whether the supplier's Reorder Quantity (ROQ) is reviewed cyclically. Valid options include:

    • Not using Review Cycle - the cycle in days field is treated as a memo only field and is not used in the automatic ROQ calculations. In this case, the Reorder Quantity is manually calculated as required.

    • Review Cycle Used - the ROQ calculation is generated via the P/O Purchasing Forecast/Lead Time Recalculation (ibis_po25) and P/O Purchasing Forecast/Lead Time Edit (ibis_po26) programs. The length of the cycle for the supplier is determined by the value entered in the cycle in days field. For additional information on the Review Cycle ROQ and the methods of calculating ROQ, see the 'ROQ' field in P/O Criteria (ibis_po_pc.po09).

    Note: The purchasing criteria code entered in P/O Purchasing Information (ibis_popi.po13) for each product determines the method to be used to calculate ROQ.

  • Ship Via - displays the standard ship via description for this supplier. You can enter a maximum of 15 alpha-numeric characters in this field. For example, you can enter Canpar, UPS, Bestway, etc.

    • The ship via entered is used as the default ship via for the supplier in P/O Entry (ibis_po40).

  • State or Province - the province or state associated with the supplier. This field is validated against the States and Provinces (ibis_cccoustapro) table.

  • Supplier code - displays the supplier code assigned to the supplier. The maximum length of the supplier code is 6-characters (both alpha and numeric characters are accepted). This field is only available in creation mode.

    • Each supplier must have a unique code, and it is recommended that the code adhere to a standardized coding convention. For more information, please see the Supplier Account Number Coding Conventions topic.

    • The supplier code entered must already exist in A/P Vendors (ibis_ap13). If you enter a supplier code that does not exist in A/P Vendors, the following message displays: "The vendor is not valid. A vendor must first be set up in A/P Vendors."

    • Creating a supplier code links the supplier in the PO module to the vendor in the AP module.

    • If the vendor code in A/P Vendors (ibis_ap13) exists, the name, address, contact, phone, fax and 800 information is automatically copied from A/P Vendors into the new supplier record.

  • Supplier Name - displays the supplier's name. You can enter a maximum of 40 alpha-numeric characters in this field.

  • Target order $ - displays the target order dollar value for this supplier. The target order dollar value is used in the P/O Proposed (ibis_po34) program.

      Note: When P/O Preliminary Generation (ibis_po23) runs, a purchase order is automatically generated for a supplier when the purchase order value is greater than the target order dollar amount.

      Note: If the target order dollar is set to zero, or less than the minimum order in dollars value, then the minimum order in dollars value is used as the default value when P/O Preliminary Generation (ibis_po23) runs.

  • Telephone Number - displays the supplier's telephone number. You can enter a maximum of 20 characters in this field, including dashes.

  • Terms - displays the standard payment terms description for this supplier. You can enter a maximum of 15 alpha-numeric characters in this field; for example, you can enter Net 60 Days. The terms entered are the default terms for this supplier when creating a PO in P/O Entry (ibis_po40).

  • Total Last Year Sequence - displays the total number of purchase orders issued to the supplier last year.

  • Transit Lead Time Days - displays the default transit lead time (in days) for this supplier. You can enter a maximum of 999 days in this field. Each supplier product record is assigned a transit lead time days override' in P/O Purchasing Information (ibis_popi.po13). If the field in P/O Purchasing Information is blank (or zero), then the reorder calculation uses the transit lead time days for the supplier.

    • The transit lead time days field is used to calculate the expected arrival date in P/O Entry (ibis_po40). The system calculates the expected arrival date as the requested ship date plus the transit lead time days.

    • When P/O Purchasing Forecast/Lead Time Recalculation (ibis_po25) is used to recalculate the transit lead time for a supplier, the transit lead time days override field is recalculated in P/O Purchasing Information (ibis_popi.po13); the transit lead time days in P/O Supplier (ibis_pos.po11) is unaffected.

  • Trigger % - when review cycle ROQ is set to review cycle used, enter a percentage in this field that is used to compare the purchase order dollar value against the target order $ value in the Reorder Quantity calculation. When preliminary purchase orders are generated in P/O Preliminary Generation (ibis_po23), the first pass checks the line point for each product, and then during the second pass the program verifies the target order $ value for the purchase order. If the actual purchase order amount versus the target order $ value, expressed as a percentage, is greater than the trigger %, the purchase order quantities are automatically raised to meet the target order $ amount.

    • Preliminary purchase orders are generated by P/O Preliminary Generation (ibis_po23) in the following example:

      Target Order $ = $1000.00
      Trigger % =   90%
      Purchase Order = $950.00

      Although the PO ($950) is less than the target order $ ($1000), the PO is greater than the trigger % (90% of $1000 = $900). In this example, the system will increase the quantities in the PO to bring the PO to the target order value of $1000 and a preliminary P.O. will be generated by the P/O Preliminary Generation (ibis_po23) program.

    • Preliminary purchase orders are not generated by P/O Preliminary Generation (ibis_po23) in the following example:

      Target Order $ = $1000.00
      Trigger % =   90%
      Purchase Order = $800.00

      The PO ($800) falls below the trigger % ($900), therefore the generation routine (ibis_po23) will not generate a preliminary PO in this example.

    Note: Preliminary POs generated for suppliers on an 'as required' basis (Review Cycle ROQ is set to not using review cycle) are not compared to the trigger % field.

    Note: If Review Cycle ROQ is set to review cycle used and the trigger % is set to zero, no order is generated unless it is equal to or greater than the target order $ value.

  • UNC to Supplier Document Folder - enter the path to a supplier related directory where files pertaining to this supplier exist on your network, or click on the Choose File button in the click browse to attach a file field in order to browse to the location on your network where the file exists. Click on the link associated with the document, PDF, image, and so on to view the document.

    Note: The format of the document directory address is known as a UNC Path or Universal Naming Convention Path. While any valid directory path can be entered, UNC's are recommended, as they do not require the use of a mapped network drive volume that may differ from one workstation to the next. A UNC Path is constructed from the name of the server, the name of the share on that server and is followed by any additional subdirectories within the share. For example, \\Server\Share\SubDirectory1\SubDirectory2. The path provided in a UNC type field is not validated by PointForce iTopia.

  • Web Address - displays the web site for the current supplier (as required). For example, you enter www.tecsys.com in this field. Once the web site is entered and you tab out of this field, the Internet icon activates. Click this icon to open your Internet browser and launch the web page. This information displays in the list box in Product Consolidated Inquiries (ibis_ic45/C4) for products associated with the current supplier.

For the functionality of each action (i.e. button) available on this view, refer to the About the Actions topic.