P/O Ship-To Addresses (PO01_POHM)

The P/O Ship-to-Addresses (ibis_pohm.po01) view allows you to manage a table of addresses that can be provided to suppliers as the locations to which goods or materials from purchase orders should be shipped.

  • The ship-to addresses entered in this program display in the P/O Entry (ibis_po40) program in the 'Ship To' section by default and subsequently print on the purchase order.

The following list defines every field available in the PO ship to addresses (pohm) table in alphabetical order:

  • Address 1 - the street and number associated with the ship-to address to a maximum of 40 characters.

  • Address 2 - the additional address information such as unit number or rural route associated with the ship-to address to a maximum of 40 characters.

  • City - the city associated with the record that you are creating, maintaining, or attempting to retrieve.

  • Company - the company field is available when you create a new ship-to address record. The company defaults to the company assigned to your user id in the Session Parameters view. You can change the default company during the ship-to address creation process only. Once the record is created, the company to which the record is associated displays in the General section (at the top of the view).

  • Country -the country code associated with the record that you are creating, maintaining, or attempting to retrieve. This field is validated against the Countries (ibis_cccou) table.

  • Created By - displays the name of the user who created the record you are viewing or maintaining. May not be overridden.

  • Created On - displays the date on which the record that you are creating or maintaining was created. May not be overridden. May also represent the creation date of the records you are attempting to retrieve.

  • Modification Counter - this field is not maintainable. The date and time the record was last modified.

  • Modified By - this field is not maintainable. The user or system process that last modified the record.

  • Modified On - this field is not maintainable. The date on which the record was last modified.

  • Ship-To - the ship-to code. You can enter DEFLT or a specific warehouse.

    • If all of your shipments are to be received at one location it is best to use DEFLT as the ship to code, however, if your shipments are received at various locations depending on the ordering warehouse, then you may wish to create ship-to addresses for each warehouse.

    • For example, if you have warehouses 01 and 02, enter the warehouse code in the ship to field and enter the pertinent address information. When the warehouse is selected in P/O Entry, the corresponding ship-to for the selected warehouse is automatically retrieved.

  • Ship-To Name - the name associated with the ship-to. You can enter a maximum of 40 alpha numeric characters in this field.

  • State or Province - enter or select from the look up the province or state. This field is validated against the States and Provinces (ibis_cccoustapro) table. Note: Once the province or state is entered, the country field automatically displays the associated country.

  • Zip or Postal Code - the postal code or zip code. For Canadian addresses, the postal code field automatically converts to upper case. The postal code displays exactly as keyed, therefore be sure to enter the postal code with a space between the first group of 3 alpha numeric characters and the second group of 3 alpha numeric characters, for example H0H 0H0.

For the functionality of each action (i.e. button) available on this view, refer to the About the Actions topic.