P/O Purchasing Criteria (PO27)

Additional Information
Automated Purchasing Process

The Maintain Purchasing Criteria (PO27) program allows you to review and/or edit the calculated forecast, lead time and purchasing criteria generated by the Forecast, Purchasing, Lead-Time Recalculation (PO25) program. The Forecast, Purchasing, Lead-Time Edit List (PO26) program updates the Inventory and Purchasing files with the recalculated data generated by PO25 and edited by PO27.

  • The editing must be done prior to the data update in PO26.

PO27 is optional, you can review the results generated by PO25 in PO26. However, PO27 is the only program that allows you to edit and/or delete the recalculated data.

The following list defines all of the fields on PO27:

  • Supplier - enter or select from the query a Supplier code for the Product record you want to review. Using the buttons to the right of this field allows you to scroll through the only Suppliers generated by PO25. If you select the query, the entire Supplier list displays.

    • Once the Supplier Code is entered, the Supplier's name displays to the right of this field and all associated Products display in the list box.

  • Product - enter or select from the query the Product record you want to review, edit or delete.

    • Once the Product code is entered, the Description automatically displays to the right of this field and the Purchasing Criteria 'Old' and 'New' fields populate with data generated by PO25.

  • In the Purchasing Criteria section, the recalculated data for the current Supplier/Product record displays. If the 'old' and 'new' values are the same this indicates that the recalculation routine produced the same results as currently on file. For more details on PO25, click here.

    For each Purchasing Criteria, you can edit the 'New' value calculated by the system by entering a revised amount in the 'New' field for each specific Criteria. Once the revised value is entered, click Update and the revised value will be updated when PO26 updates the Inventory and Purchasing files.

    • Production - the Production Lead-Times in days for the Supplier/Product record display. For the system to recalculate the Production Lead-Time, the 'Calculate Lead Times' option must be selected in PO25.

      • For more details on the way the recalculated lead-time is applied to the Production Lead Time, see PO25/Calculate Lead Times.

    • Transit - the Transit Lead-Times in days for the Supplier/Product record display. For the system to recalculate the Transit Lead-Time, the 'Calculate Lead Times' option must be selected in PO25.

    • Forecast - the monthly Forecast in units for the Supplier/Product record displays. For the system to recalculate the Forecast, the 'Calculate Forecast' option must be selected in PO25.

    • Minimum - the Minimum or Safety Stock level for the Supplier/Product record displays. For the system to recalculate the Minimum, the 'Calculate Purchasing Criteria' option must be selected in PO25.

    • Maximum - the Maximum level for the Supplier/Product record displays. For the system to recalculate the Maximum, the 'Calculate Purchasing Criteria' option must be selected in PO25.

    • Reorder Point - the Reorder Point for the Supplier/Product record displays. For the system to recalculate the Reorder Point, the 'Calculate Purchasing Criteria' option must be selected in PO25.

    • Reorder Qty - the Reorder Quantity for the Supplier/Product record displays. For the system to recalculate the Reorder Quantity, the 'Calculate Purchasing Criteria' option must be selected in PO25.

    • Line Point - the Line Point for the Supplier/Product record displays. For the system to recalculate the Line Point, the 'Calculate Purchasing Criteria' option must be selected in PO25.

    • List Box - the list box displays all of the Product details associated with the Supplier entered in the header section. The list is derived from the recalculation routine performed by PO25. In order to recall an existing line from the list box, double click on the line. The highlighted line from the list box is associated with the 'Old' and 'New' values.

      • To edit a Purchasing Criteria recalculate by PO25, recall the line from the list box and enter the revised value for the criteria in the 'New' box for that criteria. Click Update to enter the revised value.

      • To delete all of the recalculated Purchasing Criteria for a Product, recall the Product from the list box and click Delete. Although the line remains in the list box, when you select another Supplier and return to this Supplier, the record is no longer visible in the list box.

The following table outlines the functionality of each button on PO27:

Button Label Icon Functionality
Submit Submit Saves the information entered for the current Supplier/Product record.
Delete Delete Deletes the current Supplier/Product record.
Clear Clear All fields on PO27 clear allowing you to add a new Supplier and Product record.

Maintain Purchasing Criteria (PO27)