EC03/Copy Object Option

The Copy Object option is found under the Tools menu in EC03.

The following list outlines the steps required to copy an HTML Object and flag the new record for translation (as required):

  1. Select the HTML Object record you want to copy.

  2. From the Tools menu, select the 'Copy Object' option.

  3. The Copy HTML Object window opens:

    • The Copy Object From field defaults to the current HTML Object record.

    • In the Copy Object To field, enter the name of the HTML Object you want to copy the current object to. You have two options at this point:

      • If you want the current object to be copied and a new object created, then enter the name of the new object in this field.

      • If you want the current object content copied and only a new language record created, then enter the same name in 'Copy Object To' field. When the same name is entered in both the 'Copy Object To' and 'Copy Object From' fields, the Language fields become available.

    • If you are copying the object into a new language record, the current language appears in the From Language field. You must enter or select from the query a new language in the To Language field.

    • Click Copy to create the new HTML Object or the new HTML Object language record.

    • The 'Copy Successful' window displays. Click OK to close the confirmation window.

    • To close the Copy HTML Object window, click on the 'X' in the upper right hand corner.

  4. When you return to EC03, the new HTML Object (or the new HTML Object language record) is available for selection.

    • If you are creating a new HTML Object language record, the Translate flag is selected on the new record.
