Customer Master-Export to Outlook (SUCU.SU13_EXPORT)

Customer Master-Search Criteria/Grid
Customer Master-Details Page

Additional Information
Export to Outlook Contacts: Mapped Fields

The Customer Master (SU13) - Export to Outlook is a view created by Tecsys that includes only the fields required to execute the Export to Outlook Contacts function on the Search/Grid page. The Details page includes all of the fields that are on the Customer Master (SU13) complete entry Details page.

  • Note: Because the primary purpose of the Customer Master-Export to Outlook view is to allow you to Export Customer and/or Prospect Contact information to Outlook, you cannot edit any of the fields in the grid or on the Details page. If you wish to modify any of the fields for a Customer/Prospect record, you may do so using the Customer Master (SU13) view.

The following fields are available on the Customer Master-Export to Outlook view and are based on the order in which they appear in the grid on the search page:

  • Customer Code - displays the Customer Code. Note: The Customer Code is not a required field for Outlook, but it is included for information purposes.

  • Customer Name - displays the Customer Name.

  • Address 1 - the street and number to a maximum of 30 characters.

  • City - displays the City or town. The City can be a maximum of 30 characters.

  • Province/State - displays the Province or State.

  • Postal/Zip Code - displays the Postal Code or Zip Code.

  • Country - displays the Country.

  • Phone Number - the Phone Number appears exactly as entered in SU13.

  • Fax - the Fax number appears exactly as entered in SU13.

  • Web Address - displays the Internet Address web page from an external web server for this customer.

  • Department Code - displays the Department number for the Customer, if applicable, up to a maximum of 8 characters. The department number prints on Sales Orders and Invoices.

    • If the Department number is variable, enter Y in this field to indicate that OE30, IN41 and RS41 are to stop for entry in the Department field.

    • If this Customer does not use Department numbers, enter N in this field. The default is N.

For information on the functionality of each button on the Customer Master(SU13)-Export to Outlook Search Criteria Results/Grid page, click here.
