Lead Activity-Export to Outlook (CRMLEADACTIVITY.EXP)

Lead Activity – Export to Outlook

Lead Activity - Export to Outlook-Search Criteria/Grid
Lead Activity - Export to Outlook-Details Page

Additional Information
Export to Outlook-Appointments
Export to Outlook-Tasks

The Lead Activity – Export to Outlook is a view created by Tecsys that includes only the fields required to execute the Export to Outlook Appointments and Tasks functions on the Search Results/Grid page. The Details page includes all of the fields that are on the Lead Activity–Details page.

  • Note: Because the primary purpose of the Lead Activity - Export to Outlook view is to allow you to Export Tasks and Appointment information for Leads to Outlook, you cannot edit any of the fields in the Results grid or on the Details page. If you wish to modify any of the fields for a record, you may do so using the Lead Activity view.

The following fields are available in the Account Activity - Export to Outlook view and are based on the order in which they appear in the grid on the search page:

Note: The Company, Type, Activity Type Icon, Activity Stage Description and Activity Owner fields are not required fields for Outlook, but are included for information purposes.

  • Company - every record in the PointForce iTopia SQL database includes the Company Number. When reviewing the results from your search, the Company Number will display for all Lead Activity records.

  • Lead Name - displays the Lead Name associated with the activity.

  • Type - displays the Type of activity that is taking place.

  • Activity Type Icon - displays the image associated with the Activity Type selected for the record.

  • Activity Stage Description - displays the description associated with the Stage entered.

  • Busy Status - displays the Busy Status of the lead activity. The Busy Status is used in conjunction with the Export to Outlook Appointments option.

  • Due Date & Time - Outlook - displays the concatenated information entered in the Due Date and Due Time fields and is used in conjunction with the Export to Outlook Appointments and/or Tasks options.

  • Location - displays the Location at which the current lead activity is to take place.

  • Duration - displays the length of time, in minutes, the lead activity is set to last.

  • Description - displays the short Description of the activity that is used in conjunction with the Export to Outlook Appointments and/or Tasks options.

  • Detail - displays a Detail description of the activity that is used in conjunction with the Export to Outlook Appointments and/or Tasks options. Note: If the Detail field is blank, the 'Outlook Info' field displays "No Details" in the Detail position.

  • Completion Date and Time - displays the Completion Date and Time associated with the current lead activity.

  • Percent Complete - displays the Percent Compete status of the lead activity.

  • Outlook Info - displays the concatenated information from the Lead Name and Detail fields and is used in conjunction with the Export to Outlook Appointments and/or Tasks fields. Note: If no Details were entered for the record then "No Details" displays in the Details position.

  • Owner - displays the user ID associated with the current lead activity. The owner is the person dealing with the activity.

  • Start Date & Time - Outlook - displays the concatenated information entered in the Start Date and Start Time fields and is used in conjunction with the Export to Outlook Appointments and/or Tasks options.

  • Default Subject-Outlook - displays the concatenated information entered in the Type and Description fields. The information is prefixed with the phrase ‘<CRM>’ to differentiate Appointments and Tasks that are exported to Outlook through PointForce iTopia from all others. The Default Subject-Outlook field is used in conjunction with the Export to Outlook Appointments and/or Tasks options.

  • Priority - indicates the level of urgency for the current activity. The selection is used in conjunction with the Export to Outlook Appointments and/or Tasks options.

For information on the functionality of each button/icon on the Lead Activity – Export to Outlook Search Criteria Results/Grid page, click here.
