Customer Code - Special Logic Coding Conventions

The Customer Code field can be used to enter Special Logic Coding Conventions. Special Logic Coding Conventions are built into iTopia for Warehouse locations involved in Inventory Transfers and Sales Representatives involved in Inventory Consignments.

  1. Inventory Transfers - each location (Warehouse or Store) that is involved in transfers must be set up as a Customer in SU13. The Customer code is set up in a this format: number sign (#) plus the 2-digit Warehouse code. For example, our Warehouse in New York with Warehouse code 01 is set up in SU13 as #01.

    • In addition, the 'Customer Type' code (found on the Details page of the Customer Master view, under the General Information section) must be set to 9. The 'Class of Trade' (COT) code (found under the Sales Grouping section) must be set to STO or WHS. The 'Sales Office' (also found under the Sales Grouping section) must be set to the Warehouse location code.

    • Our Warehouse in New York is set up as follows:

        Customer Code = #01
        Customer Type = 9
        COT = WHS
        Sales Office = 01

    • Note: Inventory Transfers processed via Enter Orders/Quotes (OE30), Enter Invoices/Direct Bills/Credit Notes (IN41) or Enter Inventory Adjustments (IC50) are based on the Warehouse/Store locations set up in this manner in SU13. For additional information on processing Inventory Transfers through OE30 and IN41, see Maintain TAT Codes (IN02). In addition, Inventory Transfers processed through OE30 and IN41 require the appropriate GL information to be set up in the GL relating table in Company Control Initialization (CC00/Invoicing/GL).

  2. Consignments - Sales Reps - in order to use the Consigned Inventory option to account for a Sales Rep's Consigned Inventory, each Sales Rep must be set up in SU13 as a Customer. No special coding is required. For details on how Consignment transactions are processed, see IN02.
