G/L Journal Entry Register (GL31)

The Print/Post Journal Vouchers (GL31) program prints a listing of balanced entries from the Journal Entry File, and upon acceptance of the report, posts these entries to the General Ledger Collector File. You can run the program after each batch of entries or at any other time.

  • If you are using the Bank Reconciliation feature, once the GL31 acceptance codes are entered, all journal entries bound to a Bank Code that is assigned to a bank reconciliation GL Account are replicated to the GL Transactions view in PointForce iTopia (PFiT). For more details on the Bank Reconciliation feature, see the Bank Reconciliation Overview topic.

Note: If Journal Entries are posted after Preliminary/Final GL Report (GL81) has already been run for the period, the 'Preliminary Account Balance' field is automatically updated by this program for the applicable GL Accounts. It is not necessary to run anther GL81/Preliminary in order to obtain revised preliminary financials.

  1. The Printer Selection screen automatically opens. Select the device destination and click OK.

  2. The report is automatically sent to the device selected. Here is a sample excerpt from the GL31 report:

    Example of GL31
    Sample Excerpt from GL31

  3. The Report Complete screen opens when the report is generated. Depending on the print device selected, you are presented with one of the following two options:

    1. If you are printing the report to a local printer device, PDF file or to your screen, enter the Acceptance Codes to accept the report, click Restart to restart the printing of the report, or click Abort to cancel the report.

    2. If you are sending the report via an email or fax device, click OK to accept the report, click Restart to restart the fax/email (not always applicable), or click Abort to cancel the report.