Estimate Order Query

The Estimate Order Query window displays the following information related to the estimate orders that match the draw order entered in OE30:

  • Sales Order number
  • Customer
  • Paying Office
  • Ship To (Same, Manual or Ship To code from SU14)
  • Customer PO
  • Sales Rep
  • Order Date
  • Cancel Date
  • Campaign (if applicable)
  • Trade Show (if applicable)

Here is an example of the Estimate Order query window:

Here's an example of how the estimate order query window works:

  • We have 3 estimate orders for 3 different customers.

  • All 3 estimate orders have the Primary Sales Rep as the only filter set.

    SO Number Customer Code Filter(s)
    S03068 TEST Primary Sales Rep: 01Larry
    S03071 L201 Primary Sales Rep: 01Larry
    S03072 CBTEST1 Primary Sales Rep: 01Tina

  • We create a draw using with the Primary Sales Rep set to 01Larry. When we click on the query for the Estimate order field, the Estimate Order query displays sales orders S03068 and S03071:

  • Either of these orders can be selected for the current Draw.

  • If we change the primary sales rep on the current draw order to 01Tina and select the Estimate query again, sales order S03072 displays:

  • If we change the primary sales rep on the current draw order to 01Vera and select the Estimate query again, we will receive the following message because there are no matching estimate orders with a primary sales rep of 01Vera:

Now let’s create two more estimate orders for customer TEST:

    SO Number Customer Code Filter(s)
    S03073 TEST Customer: TEST
    Customer PO: 123
    S03074 TEST Customer: TEST

  • When a draw is created for TEST, the same customer PO (123) from the estimate order is entered on the draw. When we click on the estimate query, the following orders are available for selection:

  • All of these orders display because the estimate order’s filters and data match some part of the current draw:

    • Orders S03068 and S03071 (from the previous example) display because the filter on these orders was the primary sales rep. The current draw order has the primary sales rep set to 01Larry, resulting in a match.

    • Order S03073 is a match because the estimate order has filters of customer and customer PO. The current draw order is for the same customer and references the same customer PO.

    • Order S03074 is a match because the estimate order has a filter set to customer and the current draw order is for the same customer.

  • Any of these estimate orders can be selected for the current Draw.
