How to Enable Credit Card (EFT) Payment Methods

This topic explains the set up that is required before an EFT Payment Method (like VISA) will be presented as an option for payment in OE30/IN41/RS41.

  • AR02 - A Bank record must exist for Accounts Receivables purposes with the Gateway=None. A Currency code is assigned to each Bank. An A/R Bank is assigned to each customer in SU13; this indirectly identifies the customer's Currency. The customer's Currency is used to identify the Merchant Bank for EFT Payment Methods in IN08.

  • AR02 - A Bank record must exist for the Merchant with the Gateway=Manual or BluePay. A Merchant Bank is assigned to EFT Payment Methods in IN08.

  • AR03 - The Terms code must be enabled for EFT. The EFT Alternates flags in the Terms record determine if an EFT Payment Method is allowed on OE30/IN41/RS41 or Internet transactions., If Terms Type=E (EFT), the EFT Alternatives flags are automatically selected. Transactions with these "E-Type" Terms will accept EFT Payment Methods only; all other Payment Methods (including Account) are disqualified.

    • If the term type is not 'E' but the EFT alternates are on, then the payment method may be EFT or account.

  • SU13 - An A/R Bank (Gateway=None) and a default Terms code are assigned to each Customer Master record.

  • IN08 - Payment Methods are defined in this program and are assigned a Payment Type. Credit Card Payment Methods must be assigned Payment Type=EFT. For each combination of Sales Office + Currency, a Merchant Bank (Gateway=Manual or BluePay) is assigned.

  • OE30/IN41/RS41/Internet-Totals Folder - EFT Payment Methods are displayed in the Payment list box based upon the following criteria:

    • The Terms must be flagged to allow EFT Payment Methods. The EFT Alternatives flag (in SU09) must be ON for the program currently executed (OE30/IN41/RS41/Internet). If not, then no EFT Payment Methods will be displayed.

    • If the Terms do allow EFT Payment Methods, then the payment selection routine reads for Payment Methods flagged Type=EFT (in IN08).

    • Using the Order's Sales Office + the Customer's Currency, confirms that a Merchant Bank Code has been assigned and then displays that EFT Payment Method in the list box. If that combination of Sales Office + Currency is not found in the IN08 record, then that EFT Payment Method is disqualified and will not be listed.

    • Note: For Internet transactions, the IN08 record must also be flagged as Internet enabled.