Competitor Price Comparison (IM33)

Additional Information
Competition Price List (IM34)

The Competitor Price Comparison (IM33) program is used to capture the details from a competitor's price lists. Once complete, this file may be used to print the Competition Price List (IM34) report, which compares your prices to your competitors.

The following list defines every field in IM33:

  • Competitor Product Code - enter or select from the query the Competitor's Product Code. You can enter a maximum of 15 characters in this field. The Competitor Product Code identifies the competitor's product that is equivalent to a product from your Inventory Master.

  • Product Code - enter or select from the query your Product Code. The Product Code field identifies the Maintain Inventory Master (IM13) product that is equivalent to the Competitor Product Code. Prices from this Product Code will be compared to the competitors prices on the Competition Price List (IM34) report.

  • Competitor Retail Price - enter the Retail price of the Competitor's product. The Competitor Retail Price for a Competitor Product Code will be compared on the Competition Price List report against the equivalent Inventory Master Product Code's Selling Price at the first quantity break level.

  • Competitor Net Price - enter the Net price of the Competitor's product. The Competitor Net Price for a Competitor Product Code will be compared to the Selling Price of the Product Code from IM13. The selling prices will be calculated through the Price Group table specified by the report's Price Group restriction.
The following table outlines the functionality of each button on IM33:

Button Label Icon Functionality
Delete Header Trash Can Deletes all Competitor pricing. When you select this icon the message 'Do you really want to delete ALL Competitor Price Information? Yes, Deletes all records. No, return without deletion. Yes/No' displays. Click 'Yes' to delete ALL records in IM33 or click 'No' to cancel the operation and close the message.
Submit Submit Saves the information entered for the current record.
Delete Delete Deletes the current record.
Clear Clear Clears all of the fields.

Competitor Price Comparison
Competitor Price Comparison (IM33)