Maintain Future Price Lists (IM21)

Price List - General (IM21)
Price List - Product (IM21)
Product - Price Lists (IM21)
Price List - Commodities (IM21)
Commodity - Price Lists (IM21)

Additional Information
Price List Types
Product/Price List Rules
Useful Calculations

The Maintain Future Prices Lists (IM21) program is used to create and maintain future Selling and Purchasing Prices. Future prices are created in three (3) ways:

  1. Using the Copy to Future option in Maintain Price Lists (IM18) or IM21.
  2. Using Recalculate Selling Prices (IM28) to update prices.
  3. Entering new Price Lists directly into IM21 (manually).

IM21 allows you to enter pricing changes into the system before the Effective Date. This gives you the opportunity to plan and implement changes ahead of time.

  • Future Price Lists take effect once they are processed through Transfer Future Pricing (IM22). When IM22 runs, the Price List is transferred to IM18.

IM21 is divided into 5 folders:

  • Price List - General (Header record for each Price List)
  • Price List - Products (Pricing record for product on a Price List)
  • Product - Price Lists (Shows Price Lists that contain a specific product)
  • Price List - Commodities (Pricing record for all commodities, a specific commodity or specific product line on a specific Price List)
  • Commodity - Price Lists(shows Price Lists that contain a specific commodity)

For details on these folders, click on the links above.