Technical Guidelines for User Logins to Run Enterprise with iTopia

Important Note: You may require further consultation on the content of this document. You may not have the in-house expertise or the time to apply the instructions included with this document. Either way, Tecsys can help: just contact our support team at with a brief description of your issue(s) and one of our technical specialists will contact you directly.


This topic is intended to describe the user requirements to install and operate PointForce Enterprise and iTopia.

Operating System account

To be able to install and maintain Enterprise, iTopia and other software products, TECSYS requires a dedicated user account.

  • Create an operating system user account named: pfiuser

    • The pfiuser account should be a Domain User.

    • The pfiuser account must be a member of the Local Administrator Group on all servers used by Enterprise, iTopia and other TECSYS products.

    • If TECSYS is to provide system wide support, the pfiuser account should be a member of Domain Administrators.

    • The password should be set to never expire.

    • The password for the pfiuser account will be available only to TECSYS personnel. It is not intended for customer use.

Enterprise Operator Accounts

By default there will be an Enterprise operator account named "pfiuser". This account has special functionality that can cause problems for normal customer use. As such, the pfiuser account is to be used by Support personnel only.

An Enterprise Operator account is required to run the various Enterprise service tasks. The name of this account is not critical. We recommend "pfadmin".

  • Create the regular Windows Operating System user account "pfadmin".

    • The pfadmin account must be able to log in locally on the servers.

    • TECSYS SMB Support must be given the password for this account.

    • All customer IT staff must also have access to this account information.

  • Create the Enterprise Operator "pfadmin".

    • To avoid confusion use the same password as the Windows account.

    • Grant this account access to only the Enterprise service tasks (i.e. AR38, CC33, EC33, WM32, WM33).

    • This task is to be used exclusively to run Enterprise service tasks.

    • Whenever the Enterprise or iTopia servers are restarted this account should be immediately logged in on the server’s console.
