
Domain Search Criteria/Results grid
Domain Details page

Additional Information

The Domain table (md_domain) is found in the Metadata Administration module of iTopia. A Domain is used to assign a set of properties, such as a logical data type, to a database column. Its attributes provide information about how such a column object should be displayed and what rules should be used when validating data of this type.

  • Good examples of domains are monetary amounts and Boolean values, as several columns from any tables might share the monetary amount or Boolean domain.

  • When you modify a domain, the system will ensure that the domain values, column default values, view column default values and criteria default values adhere to the domain’s validation rules.

The following fields are available on the Domain view and are based on the order in which they appear in the grid on the Search Criteria/Results page:

  • Database Name - the name of the database. This column only contains 'ibis' or 'meta'.

  • Domain Name - the unique identifier for a given domain. This is a name that qualifies the domain usage or reflects the column that is referring to it.

  • Description Literal Key - the literal key for the description and is unique to the table.

  • Client Specific Text - the actual name of the domain.

  • Data Type - the type of data that is stored in the domain.

  • Data Length - the number of characters allowed in the database for the corresponding column.

  • Decimal Places - the number of numeric characters allowed following the decimal place.

  • Renderer Code - an attribute used in deciding how to render the field in the user's interface. This serves as a default value for the column table’s renderer code.

  • Is Math Enabled - indicates whether or not the corresponding column can have mathematical operations performed against it.

For information on the functionality of each button on the Domain Search Criteria Results/Grid page, click here.

Domain Details Page

When you click on the View Record Details icon Detail for a specific record on the Domain Search/Criteria Grid page, the Domain Detail page opens for that record.

The following list defines every field on the Details page:

  • Alternate Identifier - serves as an alternate to the domain name. One usage of this field is to generate the method names of Java Table Objects and their supporting classes.

  • Data Type - the type of data that is stored in the domain.

  • Data Length - the number of characters allowed in the database for the corresponding column.

  • Decimal Places - the number of numeric characters allowed following the decimal place.

  • Shift policy – the domain shift policy which may be 'Noshift', 'Upshift' or 'Downshift'.

  • Justification - the domain data rendering justification which may be Left, Right or Center.

  • Renderer Code - an attribute used in deciding how to render the field in the users interface. This serves as a default value for the column table’s renderer code.

  • Is Math Enabled - indicates whether or not the corresponding column can have mathematical operations performed against it.

  • Minimum range Value - an alphanumeric string indicating the minimum value allowed for the domain.

  • Maximum Range Value - an alphanumeric string indicating the maximum value allowed for the domain.

  • Display Format Literal Key - this field is reserved for future use.

  • Modification Counter - displays the number of times that the domain has been modified.

There is also one Related resource, 'Database', located at the bottom of the page.

For information on the functionality of each button on the Domain Details page, click here.