
Data Classes (EC01)
HTML Code (EC02)
Maintain Languages (EC04)
Product Configuration (EC12)
Site Service Manager (EC20)
Session Data Keys (EC90)
Start-up Files (EC91)

The PointForce e-Commerce Configuration group is a suite of programs that allow maintenance of a variety of module attributes that allow the system to operate properly, and scale up to more advanced configurations as future requirements present themselves.

  • Generally configured once during the initial implementation phase of the e-Commerce module, these programs contain a particular amount of default data that is provided with the module at the time of delivery.

  • If future requirements present themselves, these maintenance programs can allow additional configuration data to be added with ease to expand the systems capabilities whether those requirements come in the form of package enhancements or customized modifications.

  • It is generally expected that only TECSYS staff, or advanced IT staff, will require access to these programs. This is because the data is usually maintained only once during initial start-up, and that data does not require any on-going maintenance unless new package enhancements or custom projects are introduced into the system.

Click on the links above for more information on each program in the Configuration group.