Weighted Value Examples (IM31)

  • The default 'Weighted Value' for a component within an Assortment Item Product should be equal to the quantity of that component in the Assortment. For example, we have an Assortment Item Product called 'Assortment', and there are 6 action figures in the Assortment: 2 Batman, 1 Hulk, 2 Superman and 1 Wonderwoman.

  • You can see in the screen shot below that the 'Weighted Value' is the same as the 'Quantity' of the component. In this example, a 'Weighted Value' that is equal to 2 translates to 33.33%, which means that Superman represents 33.33% of the Royalty for this Assortment.

IM31 example 1

  • If Superman should be paid more Royalty when sold as part of this Assortment, then you can adjust the 'Weighted Value' field. Following our example, you can raise the 'Weighted Value' for Superman to 50% resulting in a higher Royalty paid to the Licensor. The remaining 50% is allocated to the other components.

  • The screen shot below displays the 'Percentage' reallocation when the 'Weighted Value' is raised to 50% for Superman.

IM31 example 1
