To enable Enterprise to Fax or E-mail documents through the print programs you must configure the Gateway for Email Forms and Fax forms in Maintain Fax/E-mail Devices (FX01) program.

The following steps outline how to setup an E-mail device:

  1. Enter or select from the query the E-mail Device that you set up in Maintain Printer Defaults (CC97).
  2. Select "Default E-mail" from the Type drop box. If there is more then one E-mail Device the Type will be "E-mail" for all other E-mail Devices.
  3. The Open, Send and Close Program Drivers will automatically be selected for you. Note: It is NOT recommended that these Drivers be changed.
  4. The Dialog Program and Dialog Library are automatically populated and cannot be modified.
  5. Click Update.
The following steps outline how to setup a Fax device:
  1. Enter or select from the query the Device that you set up in CC97.
  2. Select "Default Fax" from the Type drop box. If there is more then one Fax Device the Type will be "Fax" for all other Fax Devices.
  3. The Open, Send and Close Program Drivers will automatically be selected for you. Note: It is NOT recommended that these Drivers be changed.
  4. The Dialog Program and Dialog Library are automatically populated and cannot be modified.
  5. Enter or select from the query the Fax Default Cover page. Fax Cover pages are defined and maintained in Maintain Fax Cover pages (FX02). This is an optional selection.
  6. Enter or select from the query the Fax Default Attachment.Fax Attacments are created and maintained in Maintain Fax Attachments (FX03). The Fax program will send the name of the Attachment to the fax gateway when it sends a fax for processing. Attachments can be used to automatically distribute predefined fax pages such as notices or advertisements.
  7. Ener the Fax LDD Prefix. This is the number that is used to prefix the fax number for long distance dialing.
  8. Click Update.

Maintain Fax/E-mail Devices
Maintain Fax/E-mail Devices