Alter Cash Requirements Report (AP41)

Invoice Payment (AP41)
Auto Selection (AP41)

The Alter Cash Requirements Report (AP41) program is used to alter the Cash Requirements file that was generated by Print Cash Requirements Report (AP40). Invoices selected for payment can be removed from the payment file, authorized for only partial payment and the discount to take can be altered. Invoices not select for payment can also be added to the file by specifying the Vendor's Invoice directly or using the 'Auto Selection' folder.

If an Invoice is to be paid from a bank other than the bank originally assigned to it in Enter Invoices (AP30), the Invoice's Bank Code can be changed. GL distributions will credit the bank account per the entered Bank Code and will debit the Accounts Payable control account per the Invoice's original Bank code.

Click on the links above for details on using the folders in AP41.