Miscellaneous (OE30)

The Misc Tab is used to access fields for configuring additional transaction information such as sales reps, expiry dates, invoicing terms and routing, additional customer identifiers, freight terms and a description of the program operator that will be attached to the transaction.

Sales Rep

First Sales Rep

The First Sales Rep field, which defaults to the customer's Sales Rep code assigned in SU13, will be used in the calculation of Commissions. The Commissions will be based on the Sales Reps assigned to the transaction in the First & Second Sales Rep fields; therefore the default Sales Rep fields are modified only if a different Sales Rep is to be credited for this transaction's sales.

Note:(for WinSol version 4.5.0)

The message below will display if you try to change the First Salesrep on an order that has already been updated through SA30.

You will still be allowed to change the Salesrep on the order but if you wish to keep the bookings file correct the instructions in the message should be followed.

Change First Salesrep Message
Change First Salesrep Message

Second Sales Rep

Second Sales Reps can be used to split a portion of the Commissions from a transaction (or from transaction detail lines though the Commission Rate table) with another sales rep. This feature is particularly convenient when two sales reps manage one account or when product sales specialists are compensated with partial commissions.
When a Second Sales Rep is configured against the transaction in this field, the Commission % Split field will be enabled to specify what percentage of the transaction's commissions should be awarded to the Second Sales Rep. A Second Sales Rep specified in this field will override any Commission Rate table based Second Sales Reps discussed below and will apply to all inventory detail lines that are eligible for commissions on the transaction.
WinSol also supports a dynamic method of assigning a Second Sales Rep. It is triggered by configuring a Commission Rate table with a Second Sales Rep and % Split that will match several parameters from the transaction:
  • the Customer's Commission Group,
  • the transaction's First Sales Rep and the Commodity Coding
  • Commission Coding (dependent on the Code Used for Calculation option) of inventory-based Detail Lines (See Lines Tab).
When a transaction's parameters match a Commission Rate table, commission splits will be generated automatically between the First and Second Sales Rep; the Second Sales Rep and the % Split will be drawn from the Commission Rates table. This method is also applied on a line-by-line basis using the Commodity Code or Commission Code assigned to the detail line's Product, so it is possible to credit different Second Sales Reps across different Product Lines and Product Groups at different Levels and Rates. If a Commission Rate table does not specify a Second Sales Rep, the First Sales Rep is awarded 100% of the Detail Lines eligible commissions.

Commission % Split

The Commission % Split determines what percentage of a transaction's Commissions will be awarded to the specified Second Sales Rep. The Commission % Split field is used in conjunction with a specified Second Sales Rep in the field above. The field is not enabled until a valid Sales Rep is selected in that field and will be disabled if that Sales Rep is removed from the field. Just as a specified Second Sales Rep overrides any Commission Rate table Second Sales Reps for all detail lines, this Commission % Split will also be used as opposed to the % Split specified on a Commission Rate table.


Quote Expiry Date
The Expiry Date for Quote transactions is used with a Restriction from the Print Sales Quotations program to identify and delete (if selected) Quotes that have expired. The Quote/Order Expiry date for a new Quote, or for an Order converted into a Quote, a defaults to the System Run Date (managed by the Maintain System Dates program) plus the Number of Days a Quote is Valid (configured in the CC00Company Control Initialization/OE program.)

AR Terms

The AR Terms code is used by the Accounts Receivable system as part of the open item record and is used by the Customer Inquiries, Customer Statement and Overdue Analysis programs to properly calculate the customer's aged overdue balances. Invoices with non-standard terms are highlighted in those programs. A number of days to pay, number of installments or due date for payment is configured against each Terms Code by the Maintain Support Tables program.

The default AR Terms code is drawn from the Customer Master. The AR Terms code is overridden only if this order's terms are different from the customer's standard terms.

Note that an invoice's overdue status is calculated based upon the invoice date (i.e., GL posting date entered in the Enter Invoices, Direct Bills & Credits program) of an order. The AR Terms code can be changed prior to being posted by the Schedule Invoices & Credits program using the appropriate transaction program. Order transactions however, that have been processed by the order handling process can only be reviewed and modified by the Enter Orders & Quotes program. In this case, the Enter Invoices, Direct Bills & Credits program can be used to alter the processed Order's AR Terms code during the Invoicing phase (for Post-Bills) or as a Direct Bill (for Pre-Bills). Once a transaction is posted to the Accounts Receivable system by the Schedule Invoices & Credits program, the Alter AR Invoice Terms can be used to change the AR Terms.

Invoice To

The Invoice To option determines which address will be printed as the "Sold To" address (i.e., mailing address) on this transaction's invoice. The default for this field is drawn from the Invoice To setting on the Customer Master record and is overridden if this transaction's invoice is to be addressed in a different manner than normal.
The options are:
  • Same which means Use customer's address from the Customer Master record.
  • Paying Office which means Use address from the Paying Office for this customer.
  • Receiver which means Use the transaction's Ship-To address.

Store Info


For Customers using Store numbers, the Store field will:
  • Default to the Store number specified on the Customer Master record.
  • Request that the operator specify the Store number when the value of the Store number on the Customer Master record is equal to Y
  • Not request entry when the value of the Store number on the Customer Master record is equal to N
The store number may be referenced on the shipping document and customer invoice.


For Customers using Department numbers, the Department field will:
  • Default to the Department number specified on the Customer Master record.
  • Request that the operator specify the Department number when the value of the Department number on the Customer Master record is equal to: Y
  • Not request entry when the value of the Department number on the Customer Master record is equal to: N
The Department number may be referenced on the shipping document and customer invoice.



Freight Terms typically print on the shipping document and customer invoice for informative purposes only. When a transaction is recalled for review in the Display Orders or Display Invoices from History programs, the Freight Terms are displayed.
The default Freight Terms code is drawn from the Customer Master record.
The Freight Terms table includes the following values:
  • PR - Prepaid
  • CO - Collect
  • PC - Prepaid & Charge


The F.O.B. field is designed to capture a description of the Free On Board conditions for the transaction, for example, ORIGIN or DESTINATION. The F.O.B. description is collected for informative purposes only and typically prints on the shipping document and customer invoice.

Taken By

The Taken By field is designed to capture a description of the operator creating the transaction for informative purposes only. The description provided in the Taken By field typically prints on the shipping document and customer invoice. The default description of the current operator is drawn from the network operating systems for the client computer running this application. When a transaction is recalled for review in the Display Orders by Customer or Display Invoices from History programs, the Taken By description is displayed.

Revised By

Whenever someone edits an order, their user id will populate this field.


You may select one of the contacts for this customer that was previously created in SU20.

Misc Tab