Month End Procedure for Order Entry/Invoicing

The following table identifies all of the programs used during the Month End process. Each program is identified as being Mandatory, Recommended or Optional during the Month End process. These terms are defined as:

  • Mandatory - The program must be run each Month (Period) End.

  • Recommended - The Month End process is not dependent on this program, but it is urged that the program be run. This program preserves the integrity of cross-reference files and purges eligible records from certain files.

  • Optional - This program is not required but is useful if you are using the feature or process.

The following table lists all of the Month End programs:

M/R/O Program Description
Mandatory IN42
Complete all invoice cycles by printing, scheduling and updating all invoices and credit notes in each sales office used.
Note: This must be done before the Accounts Receivable month end is performed.
Recommended OE71
Run the open order diagnostic.
Print the diagnostic report.
Run the invoice history diagnostic.
Print the diagnostic report.
Recommended OE38 Print the order booking report. This file will clear upon entering the acceptance codes.
Recommended OE52 Print the shipping document report. This file will clear all invoiced shipping documents upon entering the acceptance codes.
Mandatory IN51 Print Sales-Rep Copies of all invoices if required. This file will clear upon entering the acceptance codes.
Mandatory IN80 Print the credit analysis report. This file will clear upon entering the acceptance codes.
Optional IN88 Purge RMAs that have been converted to orders/invoices/credit notes.
Note: IN88 is only required if the RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) programs are used.
Optional IN89 Purge invoice history as required. This process erases history from the invoice history and payment history files.
Note: If you are using Serial or Lot Control, you need to keep as much serial/lot movement history as you are keeping for Invoice History (i.e. if keeping 2 years of Invoice History, keep 2 years of Serial/Lot Movement History). Serial/Lot Movement History is purged via program IC91.
