Month End Procedure for Inventory Control (IC)

The following table identifies all of the programs used during the Month End process. Each program is identified as being Mandatory, Recommended or Optional during the Month End process. These terms are defined as:

  • Mandatory - The program must be run each Month (Period) End.

  • Recommended - The Month End process is not dependent on this program, but it is urged that the program be run. This program preserves the integrity of cross-reference files and purges eligible records from certain files.

  • Optional - This program is not required but is useful if you are using the feature or process.

The following table lists all of the Month End programs:

M/R/O Program Description
Mandatory IC50
Post all inventory adjustments
Print inventory adjustments register
Note: Be sure this step is run before the Sales Analysis period is closed via program SA89.
Optional IC57 Print In-Transit Shipment Report (reports Warehouse transfers) and balance to G/L control account.
Recommended IM71
Master File diagnostics
Print Master File Diagnostics report
Print Inventory Reports:
Recommended IC80
Print Inventory Movement (very rare-and then for small range only)
Print Inventory Evaluation (usually in summary form)
Print Over Stocked Report (usually 'on demand', not at month-end)
Print Stock Status Report (usually on demand, not at month-end)
Print Price Books (usually 'on demand', not at month- end)
Print Demand Unit History (very rare-and then for small range only)
Print Consignments (if applicable)
A copy of the IC81 Inventory Evaluation is recommended as a minimum.
If consignment inventory is used, IC88 should be printed on the actual month-end date.
Optional IM61 Report & Reset inventory class codes, as required and if used.
Optional IC89 Clear zero-balance consignments. This purge routine is only required if consignment inventory is used.
Recommended IC90 Purge inventory movement. This program can be run as needed to purge excess movement history.
Ensure a valid backup has been performed prior to any purge.
Recommended IC91 Purge Lot/Serial Transactions (as require to purge surplus history from lot/serial movement files.)
Also used by multi-bin inventory users to purge 'empty' bins.
Note: If using lot/serial, you need to keep movement history to match the invoice history detail.
Optional RM81
Auto merge of special products.
