Retail Sales

Supporting Inquiries:

  1. Product Consolidated Inquiries (IC45)
    • Used to query inventory items, on hand quantities, costs, open orders, invoice history.

  2. Customer Consolidated Inquiries (SU45)
    • Used to query customers, open orders, invoice history, AR balances, names & addresses.

  3. Order & Quote Consolidated Query (OE45)
    • Used to query open sales orders, products, sell prices.

  4. Invoice History Consolidated Query (IN45)
    • Used to query invoices from history, products, sell prices.

Retail Sales:

  1. Reatil Cash Counter Invoice Entry (RS41)
    • Used to enter retail orders for customers where payment is taken.
    • Enter 'header' information on the General folder, details on the Lines folder, and payment information on the Totals folder.
    • Retail sales receipt will print immediately upon "Accepting" the order.

  2. Retail Cash Counter Summary Report (RS44)
    • Used to print daily summary for cash drawer balancing.

  3. Retail Cash Counter Sales Purge(RS90)
    • Used to clear retail sales at end of each day.
