Procedural Help for Lot/Serialized Products

1. Procedures for Serialized Products:

If the number of serial numbers displayed on the Commit Lots and Serial Numbers window matches the quantity entered on the Lines folder, press the ESCape key to close the Commit Lots and Serial Numbers window.

If a Product on an Invoice is serialized and the original quantity is greater than 1, but you want to create an RMA for a return quantity of less than the number of units invoiced, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the Product and select the Invoice.
  2. Change the quantity.
  3. When the Commit Lots and Serial Numbers window opens, enter the serial number(s) being returned. Note: If you do not change the quantity, the serial number(s) automatically display.
  4. The following message displays: "The commitment entered balances with the quantity to ship. Continue Entries? Yes/No". Select No.

If you enter a Serial number that was not invoiced to the current Customer, the following message displays: "There is no record of sale to this customer. Continue? Yes/No". You can add this serial number for the Product by selecting Yes.

Note: You cannot enter more serial numbers than the quantity entered on the Lines folder. If you try to enter more serial numbers, you will not be able to exit from the Commit Lots and Serial Numbers window.

If you need to add additional serial numbers, close the Commit Lots and Serial Numbers window and change the quantity on the Lines folder for the Product.

  • The Commit Lots and Serial Numbers window reopens.
  • Enter the additional serial number(s) and click 'X' in the top right of the window.
  • The following message displays: "The quantities entered for line XXX is different from the quantity on the RMA. Accept as entered? Yes/No". Select Yes to continue.

2. Procedures for Lots:

If the number of lots matches the quantity entered on the Lines folder, press ESCape to close the Commit Lots and Serial Numbers window.

If the number of lots that you want to put on the RMA is less than the invoiced quantity, enter the quantity in the 'Quantity' field on the Lines folder once the invoice is selected. The 'Commit Lots and Serial Numbers' window opens.

  • Select the Lot that you want to remove from the the list box and change the Quantity. Once the quantity entered matches the quantity for the Lots, the following message displays: "The commitment entered balances with the quantity to ship. Continue Entries? Yes/No". Select No to continue.

  • Note: You can also delete entire lots by selecting the line from the list box and clicking Delete

If you want to change the lots that were on the original Invoice, delete the Lot(s) that you do not want. Enter the new lot number and quantity.

  • If the lot you have selected was not used on the original invoice, the following message displays: "There is no record of a sale to this customer. Continue? Yes/No". Select Yes to continue. The lot number is added to the RMA.